[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 15 – Aragonath, Death of Boromir, Uruk Hai’s attack at Emyn Muil and Kidnap of Merry and Pippin
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[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 15 – Aragonath, Death of Boromir, Uruk Hai’s attack at Emyn Muil and Kidnap of Merry and Pippin



Fellowship of the Ring 4th destination – Emyn Muil

Celeborn warns Aragorn that strange orcs with a White Hand mark, the Uruk-Hai of Saruman were tracking the Fellowship of the Ring. Celeborn informs the Fellowship of the Ring that these Uruk-Hai were immune to sunlight as well.

Even Gollum stalked the Fellowship of the Ring. The Fellowship of the Ring went through the Aragonath, passed through the Nen Hithoel lake, Amon Hen and headed to Emyn Muil to enter Mordor from the north.


Aragonath and Nen Hithoel – Border of Gondor

The huge statues of the Aragonath were statues of Isildur and Anarion, the co-founders of Gondor that marked the borders of Gondor on the Anduin River.

The Aragonath led to the lake Nen Hithoel and the Falls of Rauros. Celeborn informed Aragorn that the Fellowship of the Ring could shake off the Uruk-hai’s chasing them.  


Boromir’s temptation of the One Ring

Boromir tried to convince Aragorn to head to Gondor to head for Mordor but Aragorn insisted on entering Mordor through Emyn Muil from the north. Boromir became obsessed with the One Ring and when the Fellowship of the Ring landed on the banks of Nen Hithoel at Amon Hen.

Boromir had a chance to be with Frodo Baggins. Boromir was eventually tempted by the One Ring and tried to take it away from Frodo Baggins. After Frodo disappeared, Boromir immediately regretted his actions but the Uruk Hai and the orcs caught the Fellowship of the Ring



Attack of the Uruk Hai(orcs) at Amon Hen and death of Boromir

The Uruk Hai led by Lurtz(movie adaption) had only one mission given by Sauron to recover hobbits from the Fellowship of the Ring. Lurtz and the Uruk Hai catch up with the Fellowship of the Ring at Amon Hen and engaged them.

The Uruk Hai eventually kidnapped Merry and Pippin without knowing that there were four hobbits but Merry and Pippin didn’t have the One Ring Saruman wanted.



After murdering Boromir, the Uruk Hai that achieved their goal kidnapping the hobbits although Merry and Pippin were the wrong hobbits to kidnap, the orcs headed west across the lands of Rohan to Isengard.

Boromir fought with valor along with his regrets of being tempted by the One Ring and tried to harm Frodo but he was murdered by the orcs that vastly outnumbered him.



Aragorn and Boromir’s Guantlet

In the movie, Boromir confesses his temptation of the One Ring and his attempt to steal it from Frodo to Aragorn before his death. Boromir then insists that Aragorn must save Gondor which Aragorn promises that he shall save Gondor before Boromir’s death.

Aragorn would recover the gauntlet of Boromir as will of redemption for Boromir and his will to save Gondor. Aragorn would have Boromir’s gauntlet on for the rest of the movie series of Lord of the Rings as a symbol for his will to save Gondor.



Horn of Gondor and Boromir’s funeral over Rauros Falls

After Boromir died with valor against the Uruk Hai, Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn put the Horn of Gondor that split into half with Borormir’s corpse on a boat. Boromir’s corpse was then sent over the Falls of Rauros with an honorable funeral by the Fellowship of the Ring.

The rangers of Ithilien rangers from Gondor led by Faramir eventually recover the Horn of Gondor and Boromir’s corpse.



Kidnap of Merry and Pippin & the Three Hunters

The Uruk Hai that attacked the Fellowship of the Ring only had orders to kidnap hobbits and bring them straight to Saruman himself.

The Uruk Hai never knew that there were four hobbits and kidnapped the wrong hobbits Merry and Pippin. However, the Uruk Hai would head back west from Amon Hen to Isengard to deliver the hobbits to Saruman as ordered.


While Frodo and Sam went on their own journey to Mordor, Aragorn has put faith onto Frodo and Sam and decided to track the Uruk Hai that kidnapped Merry and Pippin with Legolas and Gimli. The Fellowship of the Ring eventually disbanded at the banks of Amon Hen.

However Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli formed the Three Hunters and headed back west tracing the tracks of the Uruk Hai while Frodo and Sam headed east to destroy the One Ring at Mordor.



Sam and Frodo’s Journey to Mordor

Frodo Baggins after being threatened by Boromir felt more responsible for keeping the One Ring intact and deliver it to Mordor to destroy it.

Frodo Baggins believed that if he journeyed by himself, he would have had a better chance to secretly enter Mordor.



During the chaos of the orc attacks, Frodo crossed the river from Amon Hen to the east bank and headed to the Dead Marshes.

Sam realized Frodo’s intentions and offered his service and loyalty and the two hobbits Sam and Frodo headed to the Dead Marshes together.

