[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 14 – Lothlorien, Celeborn and Galadriel, Gifts of Galadriel and Lothlorien
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[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 14 – Lothlorien, Celeborn and Galadriel, Gifts of Galadriel and Lothlorien




Fellowship of the Ring third destination – Lothlorien

After losing Gandalf, although Gimli and Boromir objected, the Fellowship of the Ring heads to the woods of Lothlorien, the Goldens Forest ruled by Galadriel and Celeborn.

The people of Rohan, dwarves and the men of Gondor feared Lothlorien as it was ruled by Galadriel that was also rumored to be a witch.



Haldir Guard of Lothlorien

Haldir was an elf that only premieres in the movie. Haldir was one of the guards of Lothlorien that would later lead legions of elves to reinforce Helms Deep. The elves of Lothlorien reinforcing Helms Deep was also a movie adaptation.



Gimlis insult on Haldir

Gimli insulted Haldir by saying Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul“ which means “ I spit on your grave.” This wasn’t Sindarin elf language but the dwarf language Kuzdul. Aragorn instantly scolded Gimli as he knew the dwarf language.



Reason for the tensions between elves and dwarves

Gimli was the first dwarf to enter Lothlorien. Technically the dwarves didn’t oppose all elves and the dwarves were rather the closest allies of the Noldor elves.

However, the dwarves and the silvan elves(forest elves), Sindar elves had bad history between them since the 1st Ages.

The conflict over the Silmarils between the dwarves and the Sindar elf king Thingol led to a long-lasting hatred between the dwarves and the elves.



Most of the elves left on Middle Earth were the Silvan elves(forest elves). There are so many different types of elves so the movie Lord of the Rings simply states that all elves and dwarves had mutual grudge and hatred against each other.

Legolas was a Sindar elf so Gimli and Legolas had a rivalry and most of the elves were Silvan elves. Gimli was very humble,shy and polite in front of Galadriel because Galadriel was a Noldor elf that had long friendship between the dwarves.



Celeborn and Galadriel – Rulers of Lothlorien

Celeborn and Galadriel were the rulers of Lothlorien and resided in Caras Galadhon, the main city and fortress of Lothlorien.

Galadriel was a Noldor elf with royal blood and was the youngest child of Finarfin. Finrod, Orodreth, Aegnor and Angrod were all elf lords during the 1st Ages that were brothers of Galadriel.



Galadriel was born in Valinor even before the sun and moon were created and she has resided on middle earth for thousands of years. Celeborn was the spouse of Galadriel and he was a royal Sindar elf, kin of Thingol the Sindar elf king of Doriath.

Celeborn has also resided on Middle Earth for thousands of years and fought numerous battles against Morgoth in the 1st Age. Celeborn and Galadriel together ruled Lothlorien.



Galadriel’s Power

The Noldor elves of the 1st Age had unrivaled strength and Galadriel was even strong among the Noldor elves. Galadriel survived the crossing of the helcaraxe from Valinor to Middle Earth and survived the kinslaying of the elves by the House of Feanor.

Galadriel was mentored by the Maia Melian, the spouse of Thingol and the queen of Doriath that was considered one of the most powerful maia.



Galadriel learned the secret recipe of Lembas, the elf bread from Melian. Galadriel’s magic along with the Ring of Water Nenya kept the forests of Lothlorien golden and bright and prosperous as the forests of Valinor.

Also, Galadriel’s magic and power prevented Sauron’s invasion as Sauron feared Galadriel’s power. Galadriel didn’t set to Valinor as she was fond of Middle Earth and even had inner ambitions to save Middle Earth that she liked.



Galadriel and the Test of the One Ring by Frodo Baggins

Galadriel met Sam and Frodo and allowed them to see the possible future by the Mirror of Galadriel. In the movie, Frodo sees Sauron claiming the One Ring while in the novel, the hobbits see the Shire once more. Galadriel in the movie warns Frodo of Boromir’s temptation of the One Ring.

However, Frodo Baggins who already felt the pressure as the Ring Bearer offers the One Ring to Galadriel.



This unintentionally tempted Galadriel as well and the inner desire of Galadriel to recover peace of Middle Earth and to rule it soared. Galadriel’s temptation of the One Ring made an almost horror scene but she was able to hold her temptation.

Galadriel then calmly states that she is already the master of the Ring of Water Nenya so she cannot wield the One Ring. Frodo didn’t know that he had put Galadriel in great danger by his simple offer of the One ring.

"In place of a dark lord, you would have a queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!"

- Galadriel withstanding the temptation of the One Ring - 



Gifts of Lothlorien by Galadriel and Celeborn

The Fellowship of the Ring received gifts for their journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring by the elves of Lothlorien, Galadriel and Celeborn.

The Fellowship of the Ring received boats to sail on the Anduin River, Lembas, elvish bread also called waybread that strengthen the consumer for days and repel evil and elf cloaks for the journey.



Frodo Baggins received the Phial of Galadriel that contained the light of Earendil’s star also known as the Gil-Estel. The Gil-Estel was a Silmaril on Earendil’s Vingilote that watched over the void. Boromir, Merry and Pippin received belts(in the movie, Boromir didn’t receive any and Merry and Pippin received elf daggers forged by the Noldor elves) while Legolas received a bow of Lothlorien.

Sam received a magic elf rope made from Hithlain and a seed of a Mallorn tree that only grew on Valinor and Numenor. After receiving the gifts from Lothlorien the Fellowship of the Ring sets sail on the Anduin River to Gondor.



Three strands of Galadriel – Gift to Gimli

Gimli on the other hand asked for a single strand of Galadriel’s hair but Galadriel gave him three strands of her hair.

Galadriel’s hair was especially special because even the Noldor elf king Feanor failed to receive a single strand from Galadriel. Gimli promised to keep the three strands of Galadriel’s hand as an heirloom.



Aragorn’s gift from Galadriel – Evenstar, Elessar

Aragorn received an Elessar, an elf stone that was crafted in the Noldor elf kingdom Gondolin from Galadriel. In the movie the Elessar was replaced with an Evenstar.

Galadriel’s gift of the evenstar(Elessar) to Aragorn was important as it was an indirect recognition of Aragorn and Arwen’s marriage. Celeborn and Galadriel’s only daughter Celebrian married Elrond and gave birth to Arwen.

Thus, Arwen was Galadriel’s granddaughter and since Celebrian headed to Valinor due to the aftermaths of an orc attack, Galadriel took place as Arwen’s mother. Overall, Galadriel’s gift to Aragorn was especially special.

