[Lord of the Rings The Two Towers] – Part 1 – Gollum, Sam and Frodo’s unusual alliance, Conflict of the Uruk Hai and the orcs, food of orcs
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[Lord of the Rings The Two Towers] – Part 1 – Gollum, Sam and Frodo’s unusual alliance, Conflict of the Uruk Hai and the orcs, food of orcs




Frodo and Sam’s destination to Mordor and Capture of Gollum

Frodo Baggins and Sam crossed the river from Amon Hen to the east side of Emyn Muil. While Frodo and Sam struggled to pass through the rock terrain of Emyn Muil, they were ambushed by the mysterious Gollum who was stalking the One Ring and the Ring bearer Frodo.

Sam tangled Gollum with the Hithlain elf rope, a gift from Galadriel that gave immense pain to Gollum.

Hithlain was a fiber made by Mallorn Tree that were sacred trees that only grew in Valinor and Numenor and it repelled evil beings like Gollum.

Gollum eventually yielded to Sam and Frodo Baggins and swore his loyalty and allegiance by the One Ring to Frodo Baggins and served Frodo as his master. 


Gollum’s Journey until he was caught by Sam and Frodo

Gollum was tortured by Sauron at Mordor and recaptured by Aragorn and was brought to the Woodland Relam of the elves of Mirkwood. Gollum escaped Mirkwoods during the chaos of an attack by Sauron.

Gollum then hid in Moria as he thought the One Ring would appear in Moria as chaos spread throughout the whole of Middle Earth. Gollum then picked up the trails of the Fellowship of the Ring and stalked the Fellowship of the Ring. Gollum was eventually caught by Sam and Frodo.



Why did Frodo Baggins accept Gollum and why did Gollum yield to Frodo

When Frodo first learned of the story of Gollum, Frodo wished that his uncle Bilbo killed Gollum when Bilbo had a chance. Gandalf, however scolded Frodo and told him that such a small, good deed like Bilbo Baggins’s pity may have altered the history of Legendarium.

Frodo Baggins started to feel the pressure of the One Ring and eventually grew pity for Gollum as another Ring Bearer of the One Ring.



Although Sam objected, Frodo decided to accept Gollum as a guide to Mordor. Gollum, however felt extreme pain from the HIthlain elf rope and the inner hobbit personality Smeagol also felt fond of Frodo for his pity on him.

The evil personality Gollum feared the One Ring and Frodo as he was the Ring Bearer, master of the One Ring so Gollum yielded his oath on the One Ring and thought that in the future there would be an opportunity to intercept the One Ring.

The good personality Smeagol was grateful for Frodo Baggins’s kindness and the odd trio Gollum, Sam and Frodo headed to Mordor.



Gollum, guide of the terrain of Mordor to Sam and Frodo

Gollum wandered the lands of Mordor as one of his destinations to find Bilbo Baggins and the One Ring. Eventually Gollum was captured during his journeys in Mordor and was tortured by Sauron.

Sauron’s torture was traumatic to Gollum, but as a servant of the master of the One Ring Frodo, Gollum became the guide to Mordor for Sam and Frodo.



Conflict between Ugluk’s Uruk-Hai of Isengard and Grishnakh’s orcs of Mordor

The Uruk Hai that ambushed the Fellowship of the Ring kidnapped Merry(Meriadoc Brandybuck) and Pippin(Peregrin Took) mistaking them as the hobbits that Saruman ordered to capture alive.

The Uruk Hai were led by Ugluk and headed west to Isengard. Near the Fangorn Forest, Ugluk’s Uruk-Hai carrying Merry and Pippin met with the orcs of Moria that were under command of an orc from Mordor Grishnakh.



Grishnakh demanded the hobbits which Ugluk refused. Uruk Hai were unlike orcs and had pride of themselves as well as strong loyalty to Saruman.

The Uruk-Hai despised and looked down on the orcs and discriminated them as well. Saruman made an exclusive order to bring the hobbits alive so Ugluk insisted that Saruman will have Merry and Pippin alive. The orcs of Moria and Mordor had no chance but had to yield to Ugluk and his Uruk-Hai.



Food of the Orcs

Although the orcs are described as cannibals, the main dishes of the orcs were also bread and ordinary food. For the orcs and Sauron forces, there were numerous human slaves that farmed and harvested wheat and made flour to supply the armies of Sauron at the lands of Nurn.

At the south of Mordor, the Sea of Numen was a water source and the lands of Nurn was able to supply crops and food for Sauron’s army. The Uruk Hai feed Merry and Pippin some sort of alcohol liquor when Merry requested water for Pippin.



Three Hunters Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn – Lands of Rohan

Aragorn would utilize his tracking skills as a ranger to chase Merry and Pippin and headed east. Merry constantly left trails so Aragorn and Legolas could keep track of the Uruk Hai that kidnapped Merry and Pippin.

