[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 12 – Narsil and Anduril, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir, Gollum’s stalking, Bilbo Baggin’s Pity, Pass of Caradhras
2025. 3. 15.
Gimli’s Life before joining the Fellowship of the RingGimli was the son of Gloin, the dwarf from Thorin’s Company that retook the dwarf kingdom Erebor from the dragon Smaug. Gimli was born in the Blue Mountains known as Ered Luin and Gimli was also a dwarf from Durin’s Folk, the House of Durin. Gimli was too young to join his father for the quest for Erebor. After Erebor was retaken from Smaug, ..