[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 8 – Saruman’s betrayal, Palantir, Orthanc and Isengard & Why the nazguls feared water
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[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 8 – Saruman’s betrayal, Palantir, Orthanc and Isengard & Why the nazguls feared water




Saruman’s Betrayal of Gandalf

Gandalf headed to Isengard to visit the Orthanc Tower built by the Dunedains the old Numenoreans that lived on Middle Earth.

Gandalf visited Orthanc to receive advice from Saruman the White. Saruman, however, already thought the elves and humans were hopeless and had his own plans to stand against Sauron.

Saruman made an alliance with Sauron first and attempted to persuade Gandalf to join his cause. Gandalf, of course refused and eventually was locked up in the Orthanc Tower. Saruman only obtained the One Ring and would mobilize his newly bred uruk hais.



Saruman the White – Once leader of the White Council

Saruman the White was a Maia, an angle like being once called Curumo who was once the apprentice of the Valar Aule, the Valar of craftsmanship, Saruman was appointed as a leader of the Istari, the five wizards including Radagast and Gandalf that were missioned to save Middle Earth.

Saruman after arriving on Middle Earth would become the chairman of the White Council that consulted on the important tasks of Middle Earth with the elf lords including Elrond, Galadriel and the wizards.

However, Saruman feared that Sauron couldn’t be defeated with the elves and men and eventually he betrays the White Council.


Why did Saruman betray the elves, men and Gandalf

Saruman always believed that sheer might was the only solution to resolve the evil of Middle Earth unlike Gandalf who believed the small good deeds would become the key for the savior of Middle Earth.

Saruman believed the elves and men were hopeless and secretly attempted to claim the One Ring so he could gain strength to take down Sauron. Saruman technically betrayed the elves and men while he tried to persuade Gandalf to join his cause.



However, Gandalf refused and Saruman had to lock Gandalf in the Tower of Orthanc. Saruman planned to take down the elves and men first by joining forces with Sauron and then build forces to take down Sauron.

Descriptions state that if Gondor and Rohan were absent, Saruman and Isengard would have fought war against Sauron, Mordor and its allies. Technically Saruman’s cause was to double cross Sauron.



Isengard and the Tower of Orthanc

The Tower of Orthanc was a tower built by the Dunedain, the old Numenoreans that lived on Middle Earth.

The Tower of Orthanc was built to look over Isengard as Isengard was the major gateway to access Eriador and the east as it was located right beneath the end of the Misty Mountains. When Arnor and Gondor were founded, a Palantir was placed at Orthanc as it was an important strategic location.



After Arnor and Gondor parted off, the Tower of Orthanc remained as a part of Gondor even after Gondor granted the lands of Calenardhon to the people of Rohan.



After the death of Rohan’s legendary king Helm Hammerhand by the invasion of Wulf’s Dunland, the new king of Rohan Realaf consulted with Saruman over Isengard and Orthanc.

Eventually, Saruman became the master of the Orthanc Tower after receiving the keys by the Steward of Gondor. Saruman also possessed the Palantir of Orthanc but Saruman eventually contacted Sauron by the Palantir of Orthanc.




History, Creation and Characteristics of the Palantir

Most likely, Feanor has created the Palantirs or the Palantiri(plural) although its exact origins aren’t known. Most likely Feanor created the Palantirs as a test before Feanor created the Three Silmarils but records only state that the Palantirs were made by the Noldor elves.

The Palantirs eventually were given to the Numenoreans by the elves as a gift. While Numenor sank to the abyss, Elendil brought the seven Palantir to Middle Earth and used it to rule Arnor and Gondor. The Palantir could communicate in long distances and the mind of the wielders could be connected when used.



Palantirs were placed at Annuminas(old capital of Arnor), Elosterion, Amon Sul(Weathertop where Frodo and the hobbits were ambushed by the nazguls), Orthanc, Minas Ithil(later becomes Minas Morgul), Minas Anor(would later become Minas Tirith) and Osgiliath.

Most Palantirs went missing while the Palantir of Elosterion was managed by Cirdan and the elves of the Grey Havens and Lindon.

The Palantir of Orthanc was in Saruman’s hands while the Palantir of Minas Ithil which is now called Minas Morgul was under Sauron’s control. The Palantir of Minas Tirith was sealed but Denethor 2nd broke in and got the Palantir of Minas Tirith in his hands.



Saruman’s corruption by the Palantir

The Palantirs were sealed off and usage was forbidden after Sauron conquered Minas Ithil and turned it into Minas Morgul. Sauron obtained the Palantir of Minas Ithil now called the Palantir of Minas Morgul so the palantirs were forbidden to use as Sauron could access the mind and corrupt the user.

Saruman, however attempted to extract information from Sauron with the Palantir of Orthanc but Sauron’s power eventually corrupted Saruman and Saruman would betray the men and elves.

Saruman’s cause was to double cross Sauron but still Sauron’s influence by the Palantir of Minas Morgul and Orthanc clouded Saruman. Denethor 2nd of Gondor also went mad after contacting the Palantir of Minas Tirith.



Palantir Technologies and Palantir

Palantir Technologies that specializes in data analysis founded by Peter Thiel, Joe Lonsdale, Alex Karp and Stephen Cohen named the company after the Palantir, the magic stone of Lord of the Rings. Peter Thiel was a great fan of the Legendarium and a fanatic Tolkienist.



Why did the nazguls fear water

In the movie when Arwen carrying Frodo reached the borders of Rivendell, Arwen caused the Bruinen River to wash away the nazgul’s from their pursuit.

In the novel, Elrond with Gandalf’s help rose the currents of the Bruinen River when Glorfindel brought Frodo to Rivendell. There are some theories on why the nazguls were helpless against the water. One theory theorizes that the nazguls feared the water because of the Valar Ulmo.



The Valar Ulmo has assisted elves and men by the power of the sea and water. Another theory theorizes that the nazguls feared the cleansing effect of water as water have long been a symbol of purity and life.

Another theory proposes that as the nazguls were in the dimension between death and life, the water’s distortive effect on light might have caused the nazguls as nazguls ‘do not see the world of light as ordinary beings.



Nazguls reception of the Fell Beasts

The nazguls realized that Frodo was heading to Rivendell to treat the wounds from the Morgul Blade so the nazguls pursuit Frodo but failed.

After the nazguls were washed away by the tides of the Bruinen River, the nazguls lost their black horses and were forced to return to Mordor.



Sauron would bestow the infamous Fell Beasts also called black wings, hell hawks or nazgul birds (the novel refers them most as the Black Wings while the movie refers these more as the Fell Beasts)as a new ride for the nazguls.

The nazguls on their new ride, the Fell Beasts would carry out the orders of Sauron patrolling and leading legions for Sauron’s final offensive to conquer Middle Earth.

