Reunion of Frodo Baggins and Bilbo Baggins at Rivendell
Frodo Baggins reunited with his uncle Bilbo Baggins at Rivendell where he was treated with the wounds from the Morgul Blade. Bilbo Baggins went to Erebor and returned to Rivendell after he met his old companions during the quest for Erebor against the dragon Smaug.
Bilbo Baggins shared some of his work as Bilbo Baggins was publishing books of his own adventure and the history of Middle Earth along with translations from elf language.
Bilbo Baggins’ gift to Frodo Baggins – Sting and Mithril
Bilbo Baggins would gift Frodo Baggins the old treasures he used for his quest for Erebor. The elvish sword Sting was a blade that would glow when orcs or goblins were around(goblins are the same as orcs technically).
The sword Sting was forged in Gondolin, the old elf kingdom of the Noldor elves. Bilbo Baggins also gave him his mithril armor which he received from Thorin Oakenshield.
Mitrhil was metal that was stronger than well forged steel but light weighted. Mitrhil was mined in Numenor and the continent of Aman where Valinor lies.
The old dwarf kingdom Khazad-dum was also a rich mithril mine, but after the balrog destroyed Khazad-dum, mithril was no longer available at this time point.
Khazad-dum was now called Moria and it would be flooded with goblins and orcs. The orcs and goblins never dared to mine mithril because of the presence of the balrog now called Durin’s Bane.
Tom Bombadil – Living History of the Legendarium
Tom Bombadil didn’t appear in the Lord of the Rings cinematic series but he was an odd character set by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Tom Bombadil was called Iarwain Ben-Adar that means the Eldest and Fatherless that would refer to the fact that Tom Bombadil existed before middle earth was created. Tom Bombadil existed even before the elves and he was called the “First” or the “Eldest”.
Tom Bombadil wasn’t affected by the One Ring and was the oldest creature on Middle Earth as well. Tom Bombadil in the novel even gave advice to Frodo and the hobbits when they were chased by the nazguls.
One of the resolutions to resolve the matters of the One Ring suggested by the Council of Elrond was giving the One Ring to Tom Bombadil. Although Tom Bombadil didn’t appear in the movies, Tom Bombadil was a divine bystander character created by J.R.R. Tolkien as an observer of the events of the Legendarium.
Aragorn’s mother Gilraen’s grave
(This is a film adaption) Aragorn is found kneeling and praying in front of a statue of a female. This statue was a tribute to Aragorn’s mother Gilraen.
Aragorn’s mother Gilraen feared the bloodline of Isildur would be hunted again if Aragorn became active and she would also advise on the difficulty of earning Elrond’s approval for Arwen’s love. Gilraen was a big inspiration for Aragorn for his journey.
Arwen, Elrond and Galadriel’s family relationship
Elrond had two twin sons, Elrohir and Elladan and his youngest child and daughter was Arwen. Elrond married Celebrian who was the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn and had these three children.
However, Celebrian journeyed to Valinor after a traumatic ambush by orcs. Thus, Elrond was the son-in-law of Galadriel and Arwen was the grandchild of Galadriel.
Arwen and Aragorn’s first encounter
Arwen resided at Lothlorien with her grandparents Celeborn and Galadriel so Aragorn never met her before. However, right after Aragorn was to journey to the wilderness, Arwen returned to Imladris(Rivendell). Arwen was singing the songs of Beren and Luthien which Aragorn was attracted to.
Aragorn followed the songs of Arwen and immediately fell in love with Arwen. Arwen at first refused Aragorn’s love.
Aragorn and Arwen’s love
Later after spending years in the wilderness, Rohan and Gondor, Aragorn met with Arwen again in Lothlorien and they’ve fell in love.
In the novel, Aragorn would gift Arwen the Ring of Barahir, an heirloom of the Numenor lineage as a gift while in the movie, Aragorn still had to Ring of Barahir with him. Although Aragorn and Arwen loved each other, both knew the tragic fate of love between an elf and men.
Aragorn and Arwen’s shaky love
In the movie series, Aragorn was still hesitant to marry Arwen while Arwen was also confused on whether she should leave for Valinor or remain on Middle Earth with Aragorn.
Arwen could never meet her family as the elves were destined to head to Valinor if she married Aragorn yet if Arwen decides to marry Aragorn, she will face the tragedy of marrying a mortal.
Arwen already knew the consequences of the love between her and Aragorn which Elrond would constantly warn as well. Elrond himself was half-elf and half-human where his twin brother Elros chose his fate as a human and became the first king and founder of Numenor.
Thus, Elrond knew the consequences of the love between elf and humans. In the original novel, Elrond already gave a mission to Aragorn to become the king of Gondor and Arnor while defeating Sauron for permission to marry Arwen.
Also, in the original novel, Arwen was to choose her faith as a mortal or live an eternity as an elf. In the novel, a half-elf and half-human was to choose either one.
However the movie couldn’t explain why in a short amount of time so the movie rather describes that Arwen would have to suffer for an eternity when Aragorn would die as a mortal.