Elrond’s Family Relationship
Elrond was the high lord of Rivendell and the wielder of the elf ring of power Vilya, the Blue Ring or the Ring of Air. Elrond half-elf and half-human who chose the fate as an elf born to the human hero Earendil and the royal elf princess of Doriath Elwing.
Elwing was literally the granddaughter of Beren and Luthien and Earendil was the Edain human hero who reached Valinor convincing the Valars to stand against Morgoth.
Earendil even defeated the Uruloke, the fire drake and the most powerful dragon that ever existed on Middle Earth Ancalagon during the War of the Wrath. Elrond’s twin brother Elros chose his fate as a human, becoming the first king of Numenor Tar-Minyatur.
Elrond married Celebrian, the daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel and had two twin sons Elrohir and Elladan and a daughter Arwen.
Elrond, Wielder of Vilya and the elf lord of Imladris(Rivendell)
Elrond survived the Third Kinslaying of the Noldor elves and he was adopted by Maedhros and Maglor the sons of Feanor that caused the Third Kinslaying because of their guilt. Elrond was mentored by Maglor and eventually Elrond became the lieutenant of Gil-Galad, the elf king of Lindon.
When Sauron invaded Eriador perishing Eregion, the elf kingdom ruled by Celebrimbor, Elrond led legions of Lindon to reinforce Eregion but eventually he had to fortify in Imladris also known as Rivendell to defend against Sauron.
Elrond became the lord of Imladris or Rivendell, which became known as the last refuge for elves. During the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, Gil-Galad gifted Elrond the elf ring of power Vilya before Gil-Galad died.
Elrond would become the most notable elf lord on middle earth and after Saruman’s betrayal, he became the chairman of the Council of Elrond.
Assembly of the Council of Elrond
At Rivendell, dwarves, men and elves assembled to discuss resolutions for the One Ring. Elrond never assembled the dwarves or men, but representative members of the dwarves, men of Gondor arrived at Rivendell seeking their own objectives.
The house of Elrond and elf lords of Rivendell, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas from Mirkwoods, Gimli and Gloin from the dwarf kingdom Erebor, Frodo and Bilbo, Galdor from the Grey Havens on behalf of Cirdan and Boromir from Gondor attended the Council of Elrond.
Gandalf first explained the betrayal of Saruman and his alliance with Sauron. Then Gandalf presented the One Ring which Bilbo Baggins supported with his stories.
Arguments over how to dispose the One Ring or how to use it began. Arguments over the resolution for the One Ring heated up and led to Gandalf speaking the Black Speech encrypted on the One Ring
Elrond was not satisfied with the Black Speech to be spoken on Rivendell. In conclusion the Council of Elrond decided to destroy the One Ring by tossing it into the flames of Orodruin, the volcanic mountain where the One Ring was created in Mordor. This led to the formation of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Gandalf’s Black Speech at Rivendell
“Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatu”
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them
Why did Gimli visit Rivendell
Gimli’s father Gloin was one of the members that joined Thorin Oakenshield to take back Erebor from the dragon/uruloke Smaug. Gloin and Gimli visited Rivendell to search for news of Balin, who was the advisor of Thorin and also a member of Thorin Oakenshield’s company.
Balin colonized Moria once more, however news of Balin and the dwarves of Moria didn’t reach Erebor so Gloin and Gimli went searching for Balin.
Gloin and Gimli visited Rivendell for advice from Elrond but they’ve eventually joined the Council of Elrond on behalf of the king of Erebor Dain Ironfoot. Gimli became a member of the Fellowship of the Ring
Why did Legolas visit Rivendell
After interrogation of Gollum who was caught by Aragorn and brought to Mirkwoods at the Woodland Realm, Gandalf headed back to the Shire.
Gollum was kept at Mirkwoods, however Sauron launched an attack on Mirkwoods and Gondor’s Osgiliath as a decoy to conceal the nazgul’s heading to the Shire. Gollum escaped from Mirkwoods during the chaos.
After Sauron’s forces retreated, Thranduil, the elf king of the Woodland Realm sent Legolas to warn Gandalf of Gollum’s escape. Legolas visited Rivendell to meet Gandalf but he also attended the Council of Elrond and became a member of the Fellowship of the Ring
Why did Boromor visit Rivendell
"one does not simply walk into mordor " said by Boromir.
Boromir retook Osgiliath from Sauron’s attack which was the same decoy attack that Sauron took on Mirkwoods. However, Boromir and his younger brother Faramir had a weird dream with a prophecy and a riddle to solve.
Boromir eventually headed to Rivendell to receive clues and joined the Council of Elrond. Boromir claimed the One Ring must be used against Sauron crying that Gondor was always at the front defending the dwarves and elves. Boromir eventually also joined the Fellowship of the Ring
Assembly of the Fellowship of the Ring
There were resolutions for the One Ring such as disposal in the sea, shipping the One Ring to Valinor, placing the One Ring under Tom Bombadil who was immune to the One Ring or using the One Ring against Sauron.
However, the Council of Elrond concluded that the One Ring must be destroyed for sure and it should be carried to Mordor which was the only place that the One Ring could be destroyed.
Frodo Baggins was chosen the Ring-Bearer obligated to destroy the One Ring. Humans, elves and dwarves were too ambitious and prone to temptation of the One Ring and only a hobbit like Frodo Baggins could withstand the desire and temptation of the One Ring.
Aragorn, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Sam, Gandalf, Boromir, Frodo, Legolas, the nine members became the Fellowship of the Ring.
The nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring and their objectives
The number nine was a symbol that the Fellowship of the Ring was a counterpart to the ringwraiths of Sauron, the nine nazguls so there were nine members.
Aragorn was the hidden heir of Gondor and Arnor that had to destroy Sauron and return as the king of Gondor and Arnor. Legolas was the son of Thranduil and the prince of the Woodland Realm of Mirkwoods.
Although Legolas became a main character in the movie, there weren’t many depictions of Legolas in the novel.
Gimli, the son of Gloin was to assist the Fellowship of the Ring as a representative of the dwarves while he also tried to search for Balin and receive news of the dwarf colony of Moria.
Gandalf, the wizard was a Maia sent by the Valars to save Middle Earth and has been searching and gathering intel of the rings of power for the past hundreds of years. He had the opportunity to finally fulfill his mission to save Middle Earth.
Boromir, the son of Denethor 2nd the Steward of Gondor was desperate to save Gondor from Sauron once and for all. Merry, Pippin and Sam were caught up in an adventure as members of the Fellowship of the Ring trying to help Frodo.
Frodo Baggins saw that there was only ambition, conflicts among the dwarves, elves and humans and although he was a small powerless hobbit, he decides to accept his destiny to resist the One Ring and deliver it to Mordor for its destruction to save Middle Earth.