[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 13 – Moria, Balrog Durin’s Bane, Watcher in the Water and Gandalf’s fall with the balrog
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[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 13 – Moria, Balrog Durin’s Bane, Watcher in the Water and Gandalf’s fall with the balrog



Doors of Durin and Ithildin

The Doors of Durin were the entrances into Moria that were built before the balrog Durin’s Bane destroyed the dwarf kingdom Khazaddum.

The noldor elves of Eregion formed a great alliance and had friendship with Khazad-dum. The noldor elves built the doors of Durin with Mitrhil and engraved the doors with Ithildin that was a special metal made with Mitrhil. Ithildin was hidden and could only be seen under the moonlight.



Password to Doors of Durin – Friend / Mellon

Under the moonlight the Fellowship of the Ring could now read the Ithildin crafted on Doors of Durin. The password to Doors of Durin was to say Friend in elvish.

In Sindarin elf language, the elf word for friend was Mellon, Gandalf also thought this was a kind of riddle but the password for the doors of Durin was literally “Friend” “Mellon”.



Watcher in the Water – tentacle monster in the river of Moria

The Watcher in the Water is a creature with many tentacles that lived in the Sirannon river that flows near Moria. The Watcher in the Water would snatch those lurking around the Sirannon River.

Not much is known about this water creature but in the movies Lord of the Rings, the Watcher in the Water was described like the Kraken. The Book of Mazarbul stated that Oin was also murdered by the Watcher in the Water



Balin’s Death and the collapse of the Dwarf colony of Moria – Glory of Khazad-dum

The old dwarf kingdom of Khazad-dum was the only place left where mithril could be mined. The Durin’s Folk dwarves had to abandon Khazad-dum and its rich mithril mines and head to the Lonely Mountains (Erebor), Ered Luin(Blue Mountains) and the far north of the Misty Mountains.

The dwarves of Durin’s clan longed to take back Khazad-dum that was now called Moria. The balrog and the orcs and goblins occupied the ruins of Khazad-dum(Moria).

Balin, Oin and Ori from Thorin’s Company attempted to recolonize Moria once more and succeeded. However, the orcs and goblins attacked Balin’s dwarf colony of Moria and the dwarves were annihilated.



Chamber of Mazarbul – Tomb of Balin and the Book of Mazarbul

The Fellowship of the Ring entered the Chamber of Mazarbul where the dwarves of Moria took their last stand.

Gimli now discovers the truth of Moria and Balin’s fate as the Fellowship of the Ring discovered the Tomb of Balin, the dwarf lord of Moria. Gandalf read the Book of Mazarbul that recorded the journey and the final stand of the dwarves.



Gandalf would then give the Book of Mazarbul to Gimli which later Gimli would recover and gave to Dain Ironfoot the king of Erebor.

The goblins and orcs attacked the Fellowship of the Ring at the Chamber of Mazarbul and almost annihilated them but the balrog Durin’s Bane sensed the intruders and the goblins and orcs also stuttered and fled.



Balrogs – Corrupted Maia of flame and shadows

Balrogs used to be maia(plural maiar), lesser being of the Valars and kind of the angel like figures of the Legendarium. However, they were corrupted and became servants of Melkor (Morgoth) the former master of Sauron. Sauron was also a fallen maia himself.

Under the command of Gothmog, the lord of balrogs, balrogs served as officers for the legions of Morgoth during the 1st Age.

After Morgoth’s defeat at the War of the Wrath, most balrogs were either slain or fled into the depths of earth. Balrogs would use fire for their swords and whips they utilized as weapons and could hide themselves in the shadows.



Durin’s Bane – Balrog that perished Khazad-dum and occupied Moria

The exact origins of Durin’s Bane is unknown but probably this balrog was just one of the survivors that fled from the Valars and hid deep inside the Misty Mountains. The dwarves of Khazad-dum dug in too deep to mine Mitrhil and accidentally woke up this balrog.

The balrog Durin’s Bane was furious for being awakened from its sleep and took down the dwarf kingdom Khazad-dum. Durin VI the king of Khazad-dum was murdered by this balrog and the dwarves had to eventually evacuate Khazad-dum.



Why didn’t Durin’s bane ally with Sauron

Balrogs and Sauron were both maia, although maia also differed in strength, technically they were equal beings once. Sauron was acknowledged as a strategist and acted as one of Morgoth’s staff members.

However, the balrogs had no reason to yield to Sauron as Sauron was more of a strategist rather than a fighter and they all used to be equally Maia before their corruption.



Sauron wouldn’t wanted a rival within his legions like the balrog Durin’s Bane that could threaten his authority as orcs easily betray and had no loyalty. Sauron wouldn’t be able to command and control the balrog Durin’s Bane so he didn’t ally with the balrog Durin’s Bane.

Sauron might not have been able to ally with the dragon(uruloke) Smaug when Smaug was alive for a similar reason.



Durin’s Bane pursuit on the Fellowship of the Ring

Gandalf immediately alerted the Fellowship of the ring to flee as no one could stand against the balrog Durin’s Bane.

The balrog Durin’s Bane would pursuit the Fellowship of the Ring to the Bridge of Khazad-dum. Gandalf was also a Maia and the only being within the Fellowship of the Ring that could rival the balrog. Gandalf sends the rest of the Fellowship of the Ring first and duels the balrog.



Gandalf’s fall to the abyss with the Balrog Durin’s Bane

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn”

Gandalf would scold the balrog the Flame of Udun where Udun means Utumno, the old fortress of Morgoth, the former master of Sauron and the balrogs.

The Secret Fire refers to the all mighty god Iluvatar, and servant of the Secret Fire means that Gandalf is a maia sent to Middle Earth by the Valars and Iluvatar.

The flame of Anor may mean that he is a servant of the god as Anor means sun, but it may also mean that Gandalf is the wielder of the ring of Fire Narya. Narya was one of the rings of power of the elves given to him by the elf lord Cirdan.



Gandalf’s sword Glamdring that was another masterpiece forged by the Noldor elves of the old kingdom Gondolin clashed with the balrog’s sword. The bridge of Kahzad-dum collapsed during the duel between Gandalf and Durin’s Bane.

However, the balrog Durin’s Bane was able to lash his whip once more that caught Gandalf. Gandalf insisted on the escape of the Fellowship of the Ring. His last words to Frodo Baggins was

"Fly, you fools!"

 Gandalf fell into the abyss with the balrog Durin’s Bane. The Fellowship of the Ring managed to pass through Moria but they were all shocked that the old and wise wizard Gandalf was dead.

