[Jurassic World] – Masrani Global Corporation, Construction of Jurassic World, InGen security Division, Velociraptor IBRIS Project
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[Jurassic World] – Masrani Global Corporation, Construction of Jurassic World, InGen security Division, Velociraptor IBRIS Project


Masrani Global Corporation

Masrani Global Corporation was founded by Sanjay Masrani the father of Simon Masrani. Masrani Global Corporation started off from the telecommunication business, grew in the energy(oil) industry and grew to a global company.

After the San Diego Incident where the Tyrannosaurs Rex rampaged and the death of John Hammond, Masrani Global Corporation as acquired InGen and all the subsidiaries.



Masrani Global Corporation has owned many subsidiaries such as Axis Boulder Engineering(construction), Timack Corporation(construction), Data Analysys(consulting and data analysis firm), Aerospace Dyanmix(aviation) , Masrani Energy(oil and energy), Mascom Network(telecommunications and satellite), Medixal Health(health care and pharmaceutical), and Tatsuo Technology(semi-conductor and computer chip manufacturing).

After the acquisition of InGen, Simon Masrani had his own ambitions to build a dinosaur theme park that John Hammond has failed, the Jurassic World project.



Jurassic World – Isla Nublar

On the island Isla Nublar where the original Jurassic Park opened, Masrani Global Corporation opens Jurassic Park to the public in 2005. After Simon Masrani received the last messages of John Hammond, he decides to create his own version of Jurassic Park in a much larger scale called Jurassic World.

Masrani Global Corporation subsidiaries Timack Construction and Axis Boulder Engineering formulated a plan to construct the grand theme park Jurassic World. Under the supervision of Vic Hoskins,the ACU(Asset Containment Unit) of the InGen Security Division would conduct capture missions on the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar including the Tyrannosaurus Rex Rexy.



The lethal units of the InGen Security Division would create a security perimeter to protect the workers and the construction site of Jurassic World. Jurassic Park has become a sensational attraction since it opened in 2005, for years, InGen started to develop and bring back new dinosaurs and pre-historic animals for more attraction.



Despite the success of Jurassic World, investors of InGen and the Masrani Global Corporation were concerned of the slow growth rate and decreasing profit of Jurassic World.

They’ve concluded that the dinosaurs in Jurassic World are now not as fascinating and attractive as dinosaurs first used to be when their existence was revealed to the world. The investors demanded a genetically modified hybrid dinosaurs to increase profit that would stimulate the attention of the public once more.



History of InGen Security Division & Vic Hoskins

InGen has created the InGen Security Division to protect personnel from the dinosaurs. Already at the timepoint of the Lost World: Jurassic Park 2, InGen had Chinook-helicopters, modified vehicles, hired mercenaries that were able to operate in a military company size operation showing that InGen Security Division was already capable of operating in as a paramilitary group level organization.


After the Masrani Global Corporation M&A with InGen, the InGen Security Division even became a larger and more powerful organization. Victor ‘Vic’ Hoskins was a private contractor that worked for InGen when he was able to seize Pteranodons that escaped from Isla Sorna during Jurassic Park 3.

The Pteranodons that Dr. Alan Grant and the Kirby family saw flocking were captured by Vic Hoskins and his team. Masrani Global Corporation then hired Vic Hoskins as a manager of the InGen Security Division. Under Vic Hoskin’s command, InGen Security Division grew to a paramilitary organization rather than a mere security team.




Growth of InGen Security Division

InGen Security Division had several teams including the ACU(Asset Containment Unit) InGen Security Division was given the task to capture dinosaurs of Isla Nubalr including the Tyrannosaurus Rex Rexy which was the same individual T-Rex that premiered in the first Jurassic Park movie.

Also, InGen Security Division has handled several paramilitary operations and even received recognition from the United Nations Security Council.



By the United Nations Security Council, InGen Security Division was given the task to prevent poachers and illegal trade activities of dinosaurs that attempted to enter Isla Nublar, Isla Sorna, and the other islands that belonged to the islands of death.

Along with the Masrani Global Corporation’s subsidiaries, InGen Security Division started to even develop drone weaponry. While InGen Security Division would consist of the ACU team, park rangers, and the park security team, it was capable of instant mobilization of mercenaries and troopers of unknown origin with vehicles and equipment that were capable of deployment within a short amount of time.



IBRIS Project – Intelligence of the Velociraptor project – Owen Grady

The IBRIS Project or the Integrated Behavioral Raptor Intelligence Study was a project that attempted to study the intelligence of the velociraptors. Already since Jurassic Park, InGen officials were aware of how vicious and intelligent the velociraptors were and had to set up an independent paddock with an independent system apart from the main Jurassic Park system as a security measure.

Dr. Alan Grant was also constantly studying on the intelligence of the velociraptors where he and his associate professor Billy Brennan even made a model of a vocal chamber of the velociraptor.



Dr. Alan Grant and Billy Brennan even witnesses the intelligence and communications of velociraptors on Isla Sorna during the timepoint of Jurassic Park 3. InGen starts the IBRIS Project or the Integrated Behavioral Raptor Intelligence Study at the Raptor Research Arena in Jurassic World and hired Owen Grady, a former U.S. Navy veteran to lead the project and bond with the velociraptors.

Victor Hoskins who became the InGen Security Division head has also shown interest into the IBRIS Project believing that the velociraptors could be adapted into a biological weapon.




IBRIS Project – Owen Grady and the Velociraptor pack

The IBRIS Project was originally supposed to be another attraction for Jurassic World while Vic Hoskins tried to seize the project under InGen Security Division. The expectation of the IBRIS Project was to show the raptors could follow command from a human and exhibit their intelligence to the public like a dolphin show.

The IBRIS Project started in 2012 and InGen started to develop velociraptors with various different strands of DNA to research which breed would show the most intelligence. Jurassic World started this project to exhibit the velociraptors follwoing orders like a dolphin show. Owen Grady could make 40 commands to the velociraptors by this time. However Vic Hoskins had other plans.



Owen Grady was the ‘Alpha’ of the pack and has been with Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo as Owen Grady was ‘imprinted’ by the velociraptors upon birth. Imprinting is an animal behavior where an animal would ‘imprint’ on the first animal it sees at birth as its leader or caretaker.

Blue was the oldest among the velociraptors and the second in command of the velociraptor. Instead of being named Beta, Owen Grady had an especially strong bond with Blue so she was given a codename Blue instead of the alphabetical code name sequence Alpha, Beta, Charlie Delta Echo.


