[Jurassic World] – Indominus Rex - The behavior and the animal species that consist the Indominus Rex
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[Jurassic World] – Indominus Rex - The behavior and the animal species that consist the Indominus Rex


Revision of the Gene Guard Act

Masrani Global Corporation was eager to establish a new theme park Jurassic World. But first, Masrani Global Corporation had to revise the Gene Guard Act that restricted them from developing new dinosaurs and pre-historic plants and animals.



Masrani Global Corporation has developed a rationale that the medical potential of the pre-historic animals would hold great benefits for humanity and started to lobby the U.S. Congress and senate.

In 2003, the Gene Guard Act was revised so Masrani Global Corporation could research and develop new dinosaurs while receive the green light for the initiation of the Jurassic World project.



Dr. Henry Wu and the Hammond Creation Lab

Even after the M&A of InGen with Masrani Global Corporation, Dr. Henry Wu maintained his position as the chief engineer of the InGen biotechnology team.

After the first Jurassic Park Incident, Henry Wu receives word that the dinosaurs that were all supposed to be female were able to breed and foster on the islands. Dr. Henry Wu as fascinated as he thought that the amphibian DNA that was inserted into the dinosaur DNA might have also caused the gender transition of dinosaurs.



Dr. Henry Wu became fascinated of genetic hybrids since then and even wrote a book named The Next Step: An Evolution of God’s Concepts. He has been experimenting on the creation of new species by the combination of the genetic information of different organisms.

As the Masrani Group Corporation initiated the Jurassic World project, the Hammond Creation Lab was established to support the research of the development and breeding of new dinosaurs for exhibition.



While, Dr. Henry Wu also led the development of new dinosaur species, by the demand of the investors to make a new dinosaur that would attract visitors due to the decreasing profit, Dr. Henry Wu and the researchers of the Hammond Creation Lab start the Indominus Rex project.

Simon Masrani himself directly ordered and approved Dr. Henry Wu to start the development of the Indominus Rex after the board meeting. Dr. Henry Wu secretly makes an agreement with Vic Hoskins from the InGen Security Division on a side-project to weaponize the Indominus Rex.



Indominus rex and the genome of animals included

The Indominus Rex was a genetically created species by the combination of various organisms with the base of the Tyrannosaurus Rex genome.

The Indominus Rex was the first genetically modified dinosaur to premiere, however evidence suggests that it isn’t the first genetically modified dinosaur ever created.

The Indominus Rex contained many genomic strains from various animals such as the pit viper, tree frog, cuttlefish, Therizinosaurus, Deionsuchus, Viavenator, Quilmesaurus, Rugops, Majungasaurus, Giganotosaurus, Carnotaurus, Velociraptor and Pyconemosaurus.


The Indominius Rex had unusually longer arms than the T-Rex due to the Therizinosuarus genetic information.

The giant prehistoric version of the crocodile, the deionsuchus genetic information was added to give the Indominus Rex much stronger masticatory force, in other words give it more stronger bite with sharper teeth.



The Giganotosaurus genes were incorporated to give it a larger size and the Velociraptor genes were added for higher intelligence.

Cuttlefish DNA was given so the Indominus Rex could adapt to the tropical climate while it also seemed to have made a chromatophore cell which enables cuttle fish to change the color and the texture of the fish.



The Indominus Rex was exhibited to change its color with active camouflage when it whipped out the ACU team. Tree frog DNA was also given to the Indominus Rex to adapt to the tropical climate which may have given it to avoid thermal detection.

Although it is said that tree frogs could modify their heat signature in the movie Jurassic World, it isn’t scientifically revealed that tree frogs could adjust their heat signature and rather cold-blooded animals are usually not detected by heat detection because their body temperature depends on the surrounding environment.



Thus, most cold-blooded animals are in default kind of invisible by thermal detection so this is a big scientific error as dinosaurs are supposed to be warm blooded unlike modern day reptiles.

Snakes like the pit viper could detect infrared so they are able to seek their prey with much precise vision because vegetation usually doesn’t emit infrared heat signature. Although more genes of different animals may have been used for the Indominus Rex, the rest of the species are unknown. 



Indominus Rex – Tragedy of Jurassic World

Simon Masrani announced the creation of the Indominus Rex and again sales of Jurassic World soared after the public’s attention to the first ever genetically modified dinosaur that would even give Simon Masrani the chills.

Simon Masrani visited Jurassic World to personally inspect the Indominus Rex before it was opened to the public. After Simon Masrani ordered Claire to consult with Owen Grady on the safety of the Indominus Rex Paddock, the Indominus Rex broke out and put Jurassic World into chaos.



After the ACU failed to capture the Indominus Rex and the ACU team was almost annihilated, Simon Masrani argues with Dr. Henry Wu on the creation of the Indominus Rex.

 Dr. Henry Wu reminds Simon Masrani’s orders to make a ‘cooler dinosaur’ and remarks that ‘the definition of a monster is relative.

He reminds Masrani that to a canary, a cat is a monster and humans have been too used to the role as a monster that it is their turn to face one’.



Simon Masrani was lost of words but he remarks that he shall shut out Dr. Henry Wu. Simon Masrani was then tragically killed in the helicopter crash from the aviary dinosaur breakout and the rampage of the Indominus Rex led to the obsoletion of Jurassic World.

Eventually the Indominus Rex was also consumed by the Mosaaurus after the final battle with the Tyrannosaurus Rex Rexy and the velociraptor Blue.



The Unnatural behavior of the Indominus Rex

There were two Indominus Rex initially, however the Indominus Rex cannibalized on the weaker sibling. The individual Indominus Rex was still a juvenile but was already 12 meters which is about 40 feet tall.

The Indominus Rex could reach a speed of 30 miles per hour which is about 48 km/ hr and the roar was load as the landing of a Boeing 747 airplane. Yet it was able to withstand the fire of a machine gun fire as well.



The Indominus Rex was smart enough to remember where the tracking device and use it as bait to lure the humans and even deceive that it escaped by leaving claw marks on the door and hide from the thermal cameras.

Most carnivores would only attack when they are in demand of food, in territorial dispute, attempting to protect themselves of offsprings or as for mating rivalry.



However, unlike most carnivores, the Indominus Rex would even kill dinosaurs without any clear reason such as the apatosaurus herd, ankylosaurus and it was extremely hostile to any form of alive and moving organism.

The Indominus rex could even break a bulletproof gyrosphere(bulletproof might sound strong, but bullet proof doesn’t necessarily mean heavily defended as bullet protection has a different mechanism but still).



Even the most vicious carnivores known on Earth accommodate and harmonizes with nature, however the Indominus Rex exhibits such an unnatural behavior where it would slaughter any life form that it senses.

If the Indominus Rex was left in the wild itself, the individual itself could have totally wiped out a whole ecosystem itself due to these unnatural traits.

Owen Grady after encountering and observing the Indominus Rex, strictly says that the Indominus Rex is not a dinosaur and it is on the process of contemplation of itself that caused the tragedy.



Indominus Rex – Animal Behavior kept in captivity

It is difficult to scientifically prove a correlation of animals of captivity and a change of their behavior. However, many animals in captivity exhibit different behaviors and lose their traits.

Owen Grady points out that the Indominus Rex has never encountered a social relationship with other living animals and has always been kept in captivity. Intelligent animals tend to become more stressful whenever they cannot make action or behave by its cognitive perception.



The Indominus Rex would have already been in a very stressed psychological status as it was limited with actions in its paddock while its cognitive abilities already exceeded its physical limit.

Also, its isolation would have limited its neuroplasticity which is the activity of the linkage of neurons in response to a new environment or new incident and action that brings a structural and functional change of the brain.



Thus, the rampage of the Indominus Rex at least in the perspective of the Indominus Rex itself was the exploration of itself as if it was a contemplation where now it could test its physical abilities what it is capable of and the brain of the Indomnius Rex would start to explode with new knowledge and details that it never encountered before.

