James Abram Garfield![]() |
Birth: 19 November 1831 |
Died: 19 September 1881 | |
Party: Republican | |
Presidency: 1881 | |
Vice President: Chester A. Arthur | |
Nickname: Preacher President |
● Another assassination of the president of the United States of America
James Abram Garfield was part of the Credit Mobilier scandal so the public was concerned about his administration as they have seen enough of the political scandals during Ulysses S. Grant’s presidency.
However despite promises that he made with Republican stalwarts which means politicians that are firm within the party, he disavowed such words even paving ways to seek out corrupt government officials.
Charles Guieteau was a Stalwart in the local party that supported James Abram Garfield but he didn’t receive his expected reward. He was furious with Garfield and shoots president James Abram Garfield at the Sixth Street Station of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad on 2nd July of 1881.
James Abram Garfield failed to recover and passed away on 19th September oof 1881. As medical information wasn’t developed, most believe that president Garfield failed to recover due to unsterile treatments as the president passed away due to sepsis and pneumonia.
Chester Alan Arthur![]() |
Birth: 5 October 1829 |
Died: 18 November 1886 | |
Party: Republican | |
Presidency: 1881 | |
Vice President: None | |
Nickname: Elegant Arthur |
● The Pendleton Act & Civil Service Reform
The assassination of president James Abram Garfield raised the issue of the reformation of civil services.
Although the cause of murder by Charles Guiteau wasn’t exactly related with corruption within the civil services, the public perceived the assassination related with civil service corruption.
Despite the public’s demand, many didn’t expect Chester Alan Arthur to pursue such missions because he himself was nominated vice president candidate in favor of the Republican stalwarts.
However, president Chester Alan Arthur sets up the Pendleton Act that would ban federal workers to contribute to party campaigns and set up the Civil Service Commission with a new benefit system. This act also put up a competitive exam for those who seek federal occupations.
Before, contribution from federal workers was a great part of the financial support for parties. However, the Pendleton Act would now restrict political parties from such support.
Now, companies started to step in for financing politicians and legislative bodies. The Pendleton Act would help establish the basis of the modern federal employment services systems of the United States of America.
● Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill’s real name is William Frederick Cody. William Cody used to work for the short living Pony Express service which attempted to become a transcontinental post exchange service.
He would later on become famous/infamous for his massive buffalo hunt counts as he made a contract to supply buffalo meat to the workers of the Kansas-Pacific railroad.
He established entertainment shows that told stories about the wild west.
The Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show would become very popular show which described the life of a cowboy in the wild west. He even successfully hosts the Sioux war chief Sitting Bull to feature at his Wild West show,
● The Gunfight at O.K. Corral
The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral became the most famous gunfight that would represent the wild west and the Western Frontier during the old west period.
Many films and media would take the motifs of gunslingers of the marshals and the cowboys from this gunfight.
On the 26th October 1881, at a town named Tombstone, Arizona, the lawmen that included members of the Earp family that included the U.S. Marshall Vigil Earp, Wyatt Earp, Warren Earp and Morgan Earp and Doc Holliday who supported the Earp family(the family itself consisted of various lawmen would face the ‘outlaw cowboys’ led by the Clanton Gang.
The Outlaw Cowboys led by Ike Clanton consists of Billy Clanton, Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury etc that would constantly cause trouble with brawls, drunken fights and gambling with the newly commissioned lawmen the Earp family.
At the brawl at the O.K. Corral, Billy Clanton, Tom and Frank McLaury were killed the Clanton gang would scatter.
Later on, the Outlaw Cowboys would file a lawsuit against the Earp’s but the lawmen were ruled innocent.
Morgan Earp would be assassinated and the surviving Earp’s would chase after the Outlaw Cowboys which was known as the Earp Vendetta Ride.
● The first Hot Dogs
Among the origins of the first hot dogs is the story of Anton Feuchtwanger. Anton Feuchtwanger was a German immigrant that moved from Frankfurt and settled in St. Louis who sold sausages.
Since sausages would burst open upon a bite, Anton Feuchtwanger would lend white gloves to his customers.
However, the gloves weren’t meant to be thrown away. Often times the gloves weren’t returned so Anton figured out to make the iconic hot dog bun to wrap the sausage which became the first Hot Dog.
● The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Although the United States of America already agreed to limit the number of Chinese immigrations by the Treaty of 1880(The Angell Treaty), congress insisted on a complete ban of Chinese immigration.
President Chester Alan Arthur vetoed the complete ban but he had to compromise with the demand of the restriction of Chinese immigration.
He would sign the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 which would stop Chinese immigration for 10 years and even restricted the citizenships of those who’ve already immigrated into the United States of America.
The federal government would renew this act constantly and the number of Chinese in the United States decreased gradually.
Until the Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943 which is also known as the Magnuson Act, the Chinese would have to suffer from the political oppression by the local and federal governments.
● The man of reversal
Chester Alan Arthur was nominated running mate for James Abram Garfield rather in a favor of the stalwarts of the Republican party such as Roscoe Conkling.
Chester Alan Arthur himself was one of the people that former president (19th of the USA) Rutherford Birchard Hayes removed from office. Chester Arthur used to force his employees to financially contribute to the Republicans.
Many believed that Chester Alan Arthur as president would become a mass corruption party for the Republicans, however he rather insisted on the Civil Service Reform, the Pendleton Act and vetoed various ‘pork barrel legislations’ which meant useless projects that were commenced only to profit those in favor in local districts of prestigious politicians.
He once remarked that “I am indebted to Mr. Conkling but for the presidency, my debts are to the Almighty”
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