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[The Silmarillion] – Summary Part 23 –War of the Wrath, Exile of Morgoth to the Void, Escape of Sauron, 2nd Age


Reinforcement by Throndor, the eagles and Earendil and Slaying of Ancalagon

The might of the winged dragons and Ancalagon the Black pushed back the forces of the Valars the Host of the West. Earendil with the light of Silmaril and the floating boat of Vingilot arrives at the battlefield with the king of the eagles Throndor leading the eagles of Mawne.

The eagles and Earendil went into fierce battle with the winged dragons. Earendil fought the mightiest dragon Ancalagon the Black and the battle of the eagles and the dragons continued for a whole day.



Earendil killed Ancalagon the Black and the rest of the dragons also fell where a few of the dragons managed to escape. As Ancalagon crashed from the skies, the Thangorodrim mountains were crushed by the fallen corpse of the dragons and Ancalagon.

The Host of the West gained morale and advanced and started to annihilate the evil forces of Morgoth. The servants of Morgoth would scatter all over Middle Earth where the humans would flee east and become the Easterlings of Ruhn.



Capture of Morgoth and recovery of the Two Silmarils by Eonwe

Eonwe and the forces of the Valar charged to the deep tunnels and caves of Angband and eventually Eonwe captured Morgoth. Eonwe would lock up Morgoth with the chains of Angainor forged by the Vala Aule and took the two Silamrils that Morgoth had on his iron crown.



Banishment of Morgoth to the Timeless Void and watch by Earendil

Eonwe brought Morgoth(Melkor) in front of the Valars while the Valars casted Melkor off from Ea by the Door of Night that marked the borderline between Ea(the universe and space by Iluvatar) and the Timeless Void.



Melkor or Morgoth had already spent too much of his powers on creating terrible demons and creatures and couldn’t resist and he spent the rest of his life in the Timeless Void.

Earendil on his flying boat Vingilot would watch over Morgoth in the Timeless Void and became the Gil-Estel, the Star of High Hope that would inspire all men and elves.



Journey of the elves to Valinor

After the victory of the War of the Wrath, Manwe delivers a message through Eonwe that the Valars would accept the elves back into Valinor.

Most of the Noldor elves would return to Valinor while the majority of the Sindar elves that have never reached Valinor before would also set sail to Valinor.



However, many elves still wished to stay on middle earth such as Celebron, Galadriel and Gil-Galad as they either had unfinished business on Middle Earth or didn’t wish to do so. (Galadriel may have been banned however there are conflicts in this setting).

Elrond and Elros, the sons of Earendil, also had to choose their fate either as an elf or human. Elrond chose fate as an elf while his twin brother Elros chose his fate as a human. Gil-Galad would take in Elrond after Maglor went missing.



Sinking of Beleriand

Beleriand was already corrupted and devastated by Morgoth and the aftermath of the War of the Wrath. The Valars decided to leave bits of Ossiriand and the Blue Mountains and Beleriand was sunk to the bottom of the ocean and became the Gulf of Lune.

The maps of the Third Age where Lord of the Rings and Hobbit takes place were formed by the sinking of Beleriand after the War of the Wrath.




Island of Numenor – gift by the Valars

Some of the high grounds would remain as island and the Valars made an island that was not Valinor nor part of Middle-Earth as a gift for the Edain humans that fought for the Valars and resisted Morgoth over the times.


This island gifted by the Valars was called Andor, however later, as Elros came to this island by the light of Earendil, this island was named Elenna and later become the island of Numenore the basin of the Numenor kingdom.

The Edain humans that fought for the Valars were blessed with a long life and later they would reside on the island of Andor and become Numenorians.



Tragic end of Maedhros and Maglor by the Oath of Feanor

Eonwe has been keeping the two Silmarils as he attempted to return it to the Valars in hope of reviving the Two Trees of Valinor with the light of the Silmarils.

However, even after the end of the War of the Wrath, Maedhros and Maglor who’ve initially gave up on the Silmarils were caught by the curse of the Oath of Feanor. Maedhros and Maglor broke into Eonwe’s camp and stole the two Silmairls.



However, Maedhros and Maglor were caught on fire by the Silmarils, Maedhros would hold onto the Silmaril while he was burning to death and eventually threw himself off into a pit of fire into the deep earth while holding a Silmaril.

This marked the end of the dark hero Maedhros, the eldest son of Feanor. Maglor threw the Simairl into the deep trenches of the sea as he couldn’t stand the pain.

Maglor suddenly banished and roamed the Middle-Earth without purpose where legends say that Maglor would become the oldest being on Middle-Earth observing the events from a distance without interfering.



Escape of Sauron

After the defeat of Morgoth, Sauron was also captured by Eonwe. While Morgoth was brought to judgement before the Valars and has been banished to the Endless Void, Sauron was kept prisoner at Middle Earth.

Eonwe had to authority to judge a former Maia Sauron as Eonwe himself was a Maia. Sauron made a fake pledge to Eonwe while he transformed himself back as a beautiful being and asked for forgiveness.



Sauron couldn’t give up on the power and authority that he used to have while he served as the lieutenant of Morgoth and escaped from Eonwe. Eonwe couldn’t chase after Sauron without the orders of the Valars and held no authority to make such an order.

The Valars also didn’t pursue Sauron and Eonwe would return with the majority of the Sindar and Noldor elves to Valinor.


Beginning of the 2nd Age

As Beleriand sank, the history of the Legendarium starts further east. The dwarves of old Belegost and Nogrod of the Bleu Mountains would migrate to Khazad-dum in the Misty Mountains.



The remaining Noldor elves and Sindar elves would take place on Lindon led by the last Noldor elf king Gil-Galad, the Grey Havens led by Cirdan and Eregion led by Celebrimbro(Eregion consisted of the last Noldor elves)

Sauron would flee to Mordor where he would slowly gain power hiding for 500 years. The Edain humans would live on the Andor island and construct the kingdom of Nuemonor led by Elros.


