Elwing’s flight to Vingilot and reunion with Earendil
After Elwing transformed into a white sea bird by the power of Ulmo when she cast her body into the Belegaer Sea, Elwing flew to Earendil’s ship Vingilot.
Elwing told the news of the Third Kinslaying by the House of Feanor and the destruction of Arvernien top Earendil.
Earendil felt great despair as there seemed to be no hope on Middle Earth. Earendil then redeems himself and vows that he shall reach Valinor to ask for the aid of the Valars to save Middle Earth.
The elf Erellont, Aerandir, Falathar and Elwing would follow the dangerous journey of Earendil.
Silmaril’s power through the Shadowy Seas
Yet the Shadowy Seas that was the part of the Belegaer Sea close to the continent Aman had numerous obstacles set by the Valars after the Doom of Mandos to forbid the exiled Noldor elves from entering Valinor and Aman again.
Turgon has sent numerous parties to cross the Belebaer Sea but they’ve all failed to cross the Shadowy seas. However, the Silamril that Elwing held guided the safe passage through the Shadowy Seas and Earendil and the crew of Vingilot arrived at Valinor untact.
Morgoth’s conquest of Middle Earth
After the Third Kinslaying of the elves, Morgoth mocked the elves of the House of Feanor as they’d brought doom upon themselves by their curse of the Oath of Feanor.
Morgoth didn’t even care about the fact that one of his Silmaril was stolen by Beren and Luthien in the past as the satisfaction of the conquest of Middle Earth overwhelmed the powerful desire that the Silmarils provoked.
However, Morgoth didn’t know that Earendil would reach Valinor and persuade the Valars to commence war against him. Morgoth thought that the Valars would never participate in the war against him because of the arrogance of the Noldor elves which provoked Manwe’s judgment and the Doom of Mandos.
Plea of Earendil
Earendil set foot onto the continent Aman and Valinor and he was called upon the council of the Valars. Earendil delivered the news of Morgoth’s conquest on Middle Earth and also informed the Valars of the tragic history of Middle-Earth to the Valars.
Earendil would pray for the two races and the two children of Iluvatar elves and humans and requested aid for the fate of men and elves to the Valars.
The valars were surprised that Middle-Earth was upon conquest by Morgoth and despite the sins of the Noldor elves, the Valars were emotionally touched by the courage of Earnedil and would eventually accept the prayers of Earendil and prepare for war against Morgoth.
Judgement of Earendil – Earendil’s fate as an elf
Mandos has put Earendil under judgement as Earendil was the first mortal and human to ever set foot into Valinor and the Aman continent. Tuor was technically accepted to Valinor as an Eldar(elf) rather than a human so technically Earendil was the first and the only human that reached Valinor.
Mandos was supposed to put Earendil into judgement as mortals were forbidden to enter Valinor. However, Earendil was half-elf and half-human as Earendil’s mother was Idril, the daughter of Turgon.
Manwe would halt Mandos’s judgement on Earendil, however all half-elves and half-humans were now supposed to choose their fate either as a human or elf.
Elwing, who was another half-elf and half-human as she was the daughter of Beren and Luthien’s son Dior and the elf Nimloth also had to choose her destiny and Elwing chose her fate as an elf.
Elwing witnessed the death of her grandmother Luthien along with Beren so she chose her fate as an elf. Earendil also chose his fate as an elf alongside his wife Elwing.
The Declaration of War Against Melkor by the Valars and the Host of the West
The Plea of Earendil or the ‘Errand of the Two Kindreds’ that refer to Earendil’s journey to Valinor for the fate of the two children of Iluvatar the elves and the humans moved the Valars by the courage of Earendil and the wrath on Morgoth (Melkor). The Valars granted the plea of Earendil and raised an army to take down Morgoth and free Middle-Earth.
Under the command of the Maia Eonwe who served the Valar Manwe, an army raised by the Valars called the Host of the West were assembled. Maiars, Vanyar elves and Noldor elves that remained in Valinor were called to arms
The Star of Earendil, Gil-Estel
The Valars then gathered and blessed the ship Vingilot that Earendil has set sailed from Middle Earth to Valinor. Vingilot was carved and blessed with a white flame by the blessing of the Valars and floated in the sky.
Earendil was also blessed by the Valars and with the Silmaril that Elwing gave, Earendil would brighten the night sky with the light of the Silmaril while he rode the Vingilot in the sky.
Earendil riding the Vingilot in the sky became known as the Star of Earendil or Gil-Estel and it became a symbol of hope for both humans and elves.
During the Lord of the Rings, Galadriel gifted Frodo Baggins with the Phial of Galadrilel that contained the light of The Star of Earendil or also known as the Gil-Estel. Samwise and Forodo used the light of Earendil in the Phial of Galadriel to repel the spider Shelob.
War of the Wrath – The Host of the West landing on Middle-Earth
The mainlands of Middle-earth were conquered by Morgoth and elves and Edain men were scattered all over Middle-Earth. Only on the islands of Balar, stood Gil-Galad the Noldor elf King and Cirdan who took care of the refugees from the mainlands.
Under the command of the Maia Eonwe, forces of Maiar, Vanyar and Noldor elves landed on Beleriand. The remaining humans from the three houses of the Edain humans, the House of Hador, House of Haleth and House of Beor joined the Host of the West to fight against the forces of Morgoth.
The Easterlings and orcs led by the Balrogs couldn’t stand a chance against the Host of the West and the Host of the West advances straight to the plains if Anfauglith right in front of the mountains of the Thangorodrim and the gates of Angband.
Most of the elite forces of Morgoth including the Balrogs have either perished or escaped and hid for their own sake. Morgoth would release his secret weapons.
War of the Wrath – Counterattack by Morgoth, the winged dragons and Ancalagon the Black
Eonwe and the Host of the West easily pushed through Anfauglith right in front of Morgoth’s fortress Angband. Morgoth then released his final secret weapon, the winged dragons. The winged dragons started to drive off the Host of the West as they were a natural disaster themselves that could drive flames, thunder onto the army of the Valars.
Among the winged dragons, Ancalagon the Black the strongest and largest dragon of the Legendarium would start to slaughter the armies of the Valar. The Host of the West were pushed back by the dragons led by Ancalagon the Black.