[The Lost World Jurassic Park] – Research Team characters and actors – Sarah Harding, Eddie Carr, Nick Van Owen, Vehicles - Fleetwood RV Mobile Lab, Mercedes-Benz ML 320
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[The Lost World Jurassic Park] – Research Team characters and actors – Sarah Harding, Eddie Carr, Nick Van Owen, Vehicles - Fleetwood RV Mobile Lab, Mercedes-Benz ML 320


Sarah Harding – Julianne Moore

Dr. Sarah Harding was the girlfriend of Ian Malcolm and a researcher that specialized in animal behavior. She was rather a researcher that would research on existing animals and has worked for the San Diego Zoo.

Dr. Sarah Harding as acquired interest after hearing stories from Dr. Ian Malcolm of dinosaurs. She started to claim that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had parenting instincts and would raise its infants while she faced academic opposition.

In reality, there isn’t much solid evidence to support the idea of the Tyrannosaurs Rex’s parenting behavior.



After John Hammond has recruited up a research team to explore Isla Sorna, site B, Sarah Harding rushed into Isla Sorna first without alerting Dr. Ian Malcolm.

Eventually, Dr. Ian Malcolm refused the offer of John Hammond as he already had enough with dinosaurs but he was forced to join the research team as John Hammond informed him that Dr. Sarah Harding was already head in Isla Sorna.




Sarah Harding would treat the infant Tyrannosaur Rex that Roland Tembo and his crew injured by purpose to lure the adult Tyrannosaurus Rexes that brought the research crew into danger and leading to the destruction of the mobile RV lab thrown off the cliff.

The blood of the infant tyrannosaurus rex also left a trial for the Tyrannosaurus parents Buck and Doe to follow up the InGen research and InGen harvest team jointed together leading to chaos. Sarah Harding successfully tranquilized the male Tyrannosaurus Rex Buck in San Diego after luring him with the infant t-rex junior.



Julianne Moore whose real name is Julie Anne Smith has played the role as Dr. Sarah Harding. Julianne Moore has starred in many movies such as Kingsman:The Secret Service – The Golden Circle as the villain Poppy Adams, the movie Non-Stop, Havana Segrand in Maps to the Star, president Alam Coin in the Hunger Games : Mockingjay, Julian Taylor in the movie Children of Men and Crazy, Stupid, Love



Kelly Malcolm

Kelly Malcolm was the daughter of Dr. Ian Malcolm who has been cut off from the gymnastics team from her school. Kelly Malcolm wanted to spend time with her father Dr. Ian Malcolm and sneaks onto the mobile RV lab to Islan Sorna.



Kelly Malcolm eventually witnessed the parent tyrannosaurus rex heading to the mobile lab RV and she was also in the tent with Dr. Sarah Harding when the tyrannosaurus rexes traced them by the odor of the infant t-rex blood on Dr. Sarah Harding’s vest. Kelly Malcolm’s gymnastics skills also saved Dr. Sarah Harding and Dr. Ian Malcolm from the velociraptors.




Eddie Carr – Richard Schiff

Edward Carr or Eddie Car was the engineer and equipment specialist recruited by John Hammond for the Isla Sorna research team.

Eddie Carr worked for InGen and most of the vehicles and equipment used by the InGen Harvest team were also a work by Eddi Carr himself. Eddie Car with the Mercedes Benz M class vehicle came to the rescue when the Fleetwood RV Mobile lab trailer was on the brink of falling off the cliff and pulled it up with a rope. However, Eddie Car was tragically ripped into half by the Tyrannosaurus Rex Buck and Doe.



Richard Schiff has acted as Eddie Carr. Richard Schiff is well known for his role as Toby Ziegler in ‘The West Wing’ which he received the Emmy Award.

He has acted in various movies such as Se7en as Mark Swarr, Deep Impact as Don Beiderman, Man of Steel as Emil Hamilton, and the ABC medical drama series Good Doctor as Dr. Aaron Glassman.



Mercedes-Benz ML 320 – Vehicles of the InGen research team

Eddie Carr has modified the Mercedes-Benz M class vehicles the 1997 Mercedes ML 320’s for the InGen research team in Lost World Jurassic Park 2.

The 1997 Mercedes-Benz ML 320’s that Eddie Carr has modified were able to pull up the Fleetwood RV Mobile Lab from the cliff during the tyrannosaurus Rex attack with the winch and rope attached to the front of it.



Fleetwood RV Mobile Lab – Vehicles of the InGen research team

The RV Mobile lab of the InGen Research Team was a Fleetwood RV, model 1996-1997 Fleetwood Southwind Storm that were modified with attached trailers for the Isla Sorna expedition.

Eddie Carr himself modified the Fleetwood RV Mobile Lab with features such as a GPS system, first aid kits including morphine injections, satellite communication systems, data base of all dinosaurs on Isla Sorna, mini biology lab that was capable of dissection and microscope imaging and analysis that enabled a degree of medical treatment and biological analysis.



The RV Mobile Lab also had home appliances and a shower for accommodation. The Fleetwood RV Mobile Lab eventually was pushed off from the cliff of the basecamp of the InGen research team after the team treated the infant t-rex’s injuries which the scent that the adult tyrannosaurus followed.



High Hide & Lindstradt Rifle & Purple Cone venom

The High Hide is a fictional equipment developed by Eddie Carr that served as a portable tree house like shelter. Dr. Ian Malcolm, Kelly and Eddie saw the tyrannosaurus rex Buck and Doe moving to the RV while they were on the High Hide.

The rifle by Eddie Carr was a fictional rifle called the Lindstradt Rifle that used an ammunition filled with purple cone venom.



The purple cone or the Conus purpurascens is a sea snail of the cone snail family. Although the purple cone or the Conus purpurascens has venom, it isn’t proven that this particular species has such a high toxicity top humans or animals.

Many cone snails have venom and depending on their species, there is a different lethality, however the purple cone venom isn’t as lethal as it was described in the movie.



Nick Van Owen - Vincent Anthony Vaughn

Nick Van Owen was the photographer and the secret weapon by John Hammond that was part of the InGen research team. Nick Van Owen has been taking photographs in Bosnia and Rwanda war zones and he was also an active and somewhat radical environmentalist that worked for Earth First! And Greenpeace.

Nick Van Owen was responsible for opening up all the dinosaur cages that the InGen Harvest Team has captured and sabotaged the main base camp of the InGen Harvest Team.

Nick Van Owen has also brought the injured infant t-rex to the Mobile Lab RV and also took the ammunition of Roland Tembo that prevented him from taking down the tyrannosaurus rexes later on.



Thus, there are many controversies over him and Dr. Sarah Harding as many held them responsible for the death of people including Eddie Carr. Nick Van Owen successfully sends a radio distress signal to InGen headquarters during the whole chaos.

Nick Van Owen stealing the live ammunition of Roland Tembo’s guns led to Roland Tembo switching to tranquilizing ammunition thus leading to the San Diego Incident as well.



Vincent Anthony Vaughn took the role as Nick Van Owen. He has produced and premiered in many movies such as Wedding Crashers as Jeremey Grey, Mr & Mrs. Smitth as Eddie, The Internship as Billy McMahon, and Hacksaw Ridge as sergeant Howell.



Earth First !

Earth First! Is a environmentalist group that formed after the publication of works such as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang and etc. The Earth First! Group is considered a somewhat radical environmentalist group that would claim “ No compromise in the defense of Mother Earth”.

The main mission of Earth First! Is to give equality to all living species the inherent right to exist along with humans.




Greenpeace is a non-governmental operation group and a global network of environmental activists that has expanded their work form saving the environment to anti-war, genetic-engineering and anti-nuclear activities. Greenpeace has established headquarters in over 55 countries while remaining independent form all political parties and companies only surviving on individual doners.

