Thomas Jefferson![]() |
Birth: 13 April 1743 |
Died: 4 July 1826 | |
Party: Democratic-Republican | |
Presidency: 1801 ~ 1809 | |
Vice President: Aaron Burr, George Clinton | |
Nickname: Red Fox |
● Louisiana Purchase
The Spanish have explored the regions from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River while the French founded New Orleans. As Napoleon started to take over Europe, the Spanish were forced to turn over their territory to the French. The Spanish granted free passage for transports along the Mississippi River.
The United State deployed Robert Livingston and James Monroe to negotiate terms regarding the Mississippi River passage and if possible, purchase New Orleans.
However, the French offered the whole Louisiana Territory for fifteen million dollars which is approximately four cents an acre(1 acre is about 4,000㎡, actually a little bit more) When Thomas Jefferson received such news, although he had almost spent his whole life opposing a strong government and the ‘Implied Power’ doctrine, Thomas Jefferson took advantage as president and seal the deal with the French without approval by the congress.
The Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the territory of the United States.
● Religious freedom
Thomas Jefferson was surely one of the founding politicians in the development of freedom and democracy. Thomas Jefferson contributed to the freedom of religion in his home state Virginia.
In 1786, the Virginia state declared the freedom to attend any church of one’s choice or not to attend church by law. Thomas Jefferson quoted that he admired the religious tolerance of Jesus and the freedom of religion would harm no one despite criticism.
● Dispute with the Federalists
Thomas Jefferson’s presidency was crucial in terms of political transition. The transition from the Federalist party to the Democratic-Republican party was the first transition of a political party in the United States history. The citizens of the United States grew tired of the federalist and their strong government doctrine. After election, Thomas Jefferson tried to make a ‘smaller government’.
For example, the military’s size was reduced and Thomas Jefferson called back over half of European diplomats back to the United States. As a result, the national debt of the United States reduced by one-half by such actions by Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson would still had to struggle with radical federalists and oversee loss of the Marbury vs Madison case which originated from John Adam’s Midnight Appointments.\
However, the influence of the federalists party significantly weakened after events such as Aaron Burr’s conspiracy, retirement of John Adams and the death of Thomas Jefferson’s rival Alexander Hamilton
● Aaron Burr
After federalist Aaron Burr lost the fight for presidency against Thomas Jefferson in 1800, Aaron Burr runs for the governor of New York in 1804 when Thomas Jefferson ran for reelection. However, Aaron Burr conspires to separate New York and leave the United States while join Massachusetts for a new country lead by the Federalists with the Essex Junto which was a radical but powerful Federalist group active in New England.
This is known as the ‘Burr Conspiracy’. Even Alexander Hamilton, the long rival with Thomas Jefferson was shocked and counted against Aaron Burr. Aaron Burr was furious and asked Hamilton to a duel. Burr shot Hamilton (11 July 1804) and was once charged for the murder of Alexander Hamilton.
This was known as the ‘Burr-Hamilton Duel’. Burr eventually was dropped from charges and ends his vice-president term in 1805. Aaron Burr even loses the New York governor election. He roams from England, Louisiana and Europe trying to treason the United States once more (he was even set to trial but by Chief Justice John Marshall acquitted Burr as strictly speaking, Burr’s conspiracy wasn’t against the law).
● Barbary pirates
The Barbarry pirates were Muslim pirates active in the North African sea. Already, the United States had been paying the Barbarry pirates in exchange of allowing U.S. ships to pass by their territories. However, the ruler of Tripoli the tribute was not sufficient and declared war against the United States in 1801. The early naval campaigns of the U.S. Navy were poor. The warship Philadelphia was even taken by the Barbarry pirates by prize.
However, in 1805, the U.S. fleet was able to seize Derna, which was one of Tripoli’s main ports under command of William Eaton. The ruler of Tripoli agrees to a peace treaty in return of Derna. However, the United States would have to suffer from the barberry pirates for another 10 years.
● Leopard – Chesapeake attack & Embargo Act
On 22, June 1807, the British warship Leopard fired on the U.S frigate Chesapeake as the Chesapeake refused the Leopard’s demand to board the Chesapeake. The Leopard killed or wounded about 20 sailors by open-fire, and killed 4 more men after the Leopard boards the Chesapeake. One of the men killed during the boarding was a deserted sailor from the Royal Navy.
However, the United States started to demand war against the British as the British refused to apologize despite the U.S. government’s demand. Thomas Jefferson proposed an embargo for not only Great Britain but for all European countries. He intended to force the European countries to appreciate and respect the United States.
The ‘Embargo Act’ was signed in December of 1807. However, the embargo act cost the United States huge consequences such as economic loss, unemployment and waste of resources while the European countries stood intact.
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