[Jurassic Park III] – Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler, History of InGen and Isla Sorna, Why did Eric Kirby land on Isla Sorna at the first place, After Jurassic Park III – Masrani Global Corporation and Ingen Security Division
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[Jurassic Park III] – Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler, History of InGen and Isla Sorna, Why did Eric Kirby land on Isla Sorna at the first place, After Jurassic Park III – Masrani Global Corporation and Ingen Security Division


Dr. Ellie Sattler’s family and Dr. Alan Grant

Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler eventually broke up as Dr. Alan Grant’s priority has always been his research. Dr. Ellie Sattler married a person named Mark Degler and had two children with him.

Still, Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler remained close where Dr. Alan Grant even befriended Dr. Ellie Sattler’s husband Mark Degler and their son Charlie called Alan Grant the “Dinosaur Man”.



The Degler family lived in Washington D.C. a Mark Degler worked for the Department of State although his position is unknown.

However, thanks to Mark Degler’s authority within the US government, Dr. Alan Grant was able to reach Dr. Ellie Sattler for help and Mark deployed the US Marine Corps and Navy to rescue Dr. Alan Grant and the Kirby family from Isla Sorna when they were ambushed by the velociraptors.



Dr. Allan Grant – Between Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III.

While Dr. Ian Malcolm became famous for his publication on the Jurassic Park Incident and Dr. Ellie Sattler settled with a different man Mark Degler, Dr. Alan Grant focused on research as a paleontologist who was suffering from insufficient funds.

Dr, Alan Grant not only had bad memories of Jurassic Park but also had he didn’t consider the dinosaurs revived by InGen “real” and referred them as freaks and genetically engineered monsters. He had a new partner associate professor Billy Brennan and continued his research on fossils.

However, the existence of alive dinosaurs drastically reduced the popularity and interest of investors on paleontology so many paleontologists including Dr. Alan Grant were struggling financially.



While Dr. Alan Grant lectured of the intelligence of velociraptors, nobody was interested in his lecture but only interested in gossips of the San Diego Incident and Jurassic Park Incident (Velociraptors aren’t as smart as depicted in Jurassic Park and the velociraptors of Jurassic Park are more of a different species of dinosaurs called deinonychus.



Real science suggests that both velociraptors and deinonychus weren’t smart as depicted in Jurassic Park as well). Dr. Alan Grant accepts a tour guide on condition he will remain in air by the Kirby family who promised him to support his research funds.



However, it turned out that the Kirby family lied to him in search of their missing son Eric Kirby on Isla Sorna which was Site B of InGen. The Kirby Family didn’t know that Dr. Alan Grant only has been on Site A, Isla Nublar which was a different island. Nevertheless, Dr. Alan Grant was forced to fight for survival against the dinosaurs again.


History of Isla Sorna

After the Jurassic Park Incident on Isla Nublar, Isla Sorna operations were still active. However, a hurricane has hit Isla Sorna so hard that InGen couldn’t possibly take preventive measures or make damage control so InGen had to abandon Isla Sorna as well.

InGen believed that all dinosaurs were dead due to the lack of Lysine which was one of part of the dinosaur population control plan by Lysine Contingency.



However, the dinosaurs flourished on Isla Sorna and InGen later discovers this fact. John Hammond attempts to only research dinosaurs while InGen’s new CEO Peter Ludlow tries to capture and bring the dinosaurs to Jurassic Park: San Diego.



At the time point of Jurassic Park III, InGen had to publicly admit the existence of dinosaurs and reveal all their activities to the public due to the Tyrannosaurus Rex rampage in San Diego.



The US government legislated the Gene Guard Act to protect the dinosaurs, restrict InGen from further genetic engineering by making a list of all active dinosaurs and history that was called the InGen List and cooperated with the Costa Rica government to ban all entrance to Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar.

The Masrani Global Corporation acquires InGen and a small research team was secretly deployed on Isla Sorna where they’ve genetically engineered 4 more dinosaur species off the InGen List.

The four dinosaur species that the Masrani Global Corporation illegally experimented and created were the Spinosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Corythosaurus, and the Ankylosaurus. However, this small research group has pulled off from Isla Sorna once more for unknown reasons.   



InGen Compound, Aviary and InGen facilities on Isla Sorna

The InGen Compound or the Embryonics Administration was the heart of InGen and all the biological engineering of dinosaurs. Dr. Alan Grant referred this complex as “This is how you play God” during the movie.

The InGen Compound was the location where all the dinosaurs that InGen created for Jurassic Park were researched, developed and bred.



The dinosaurs were genetically engineered in the InGen Compound by the breeding and hatching facilities. After the infant dinosaurs were born, they were raised on the development compounds on the island.

After the dinosaurs fully grew or reached a size where they could be exhibited, they were shipped to Isla Nublar where Jurassic Park was located.





However as Jurassic Park was sabotaged by Dennis Nedri, and Isla Sorna facilities were destroyed by a hurricane, both islands were abandoned by InGen until the Masrani Global Corporation attempted to take over control again and rebuild Jurassic Park as Jurassic World.

Dr. Alan Grant, Billy, Udesky and the Kirby family were ambushed by the velociraptors in this abandoned InGen Compound.



The Aviary that contained the Pteranodon has resided on Isla Sorna has resided on Isla Sorna since the beginning of the operations of InGen. However, InGen didn’t reveal the Pteranodon yet as they haven’t made an appropriate facility on Isla Nublar yet.

Some of the Ptreanodon escaped the aviary and appeared at the last scene of Lost World: Jurassic Park 2. Somehow InGen didn’t open up the aviary while they evacuated the island because of the hurricane.



The party of Dr. Alan Grant, the Kirby family and Billy Brennan had to face the Pteranodon in the aviary where Billy Brennan sacrificed himself to save the others. The aviary was unlocked during this process and some of the Pteranodon escaped to the wild again. Billy Brennan was also rescued by the US Marine somehow.


Why did Eric Kirby end up on Isla Sorna

Although the US government and the Costa Rica government banned all entrance to the island including Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna, illegal businesses that offered tours to watch dinosaurs took place. Amanda Kirby’s boyfriend Ben Hildebrand also operated an illegal parasailing business called ‘Dino-Soar’.




The Kriby family’s son Eric Kirby has been spending time with Ben Hildebrand parasailing when an unknown dinosaur killed the boat crew that was towing Ben and Eric.

Ben and Eric eventually had to land on Isla Sorna where Ben Hildebrand was killed after the landing while Eric managed to escape and survive on the island living off from scraps that InGen left.



After Jurassic Park III – Masrani Global Corporation & InGen Security Division

InGen had a formidable security division due to the dangers of the dinosaurs. However, after Masrani Global Corporation acquired InGen, the security division of InGen grew to one of the most powerful paramilitary group in the world. Under the Masrani Group Corporation, the paramilitary operations by the InGen Security Division even became a profitable business field for the corporation and the Masrani Group Corporation involved in military contracts as well.



The InGen Security Division started capture operations of dinosaurs As the Masrani Group Corporation laid out initial plans of opening Jurassic World again on Isla Nublar. Even the Pteranodon that escaped from Isla Sorna were recaptured by secret operations by the InGen Security Division.

