[Harry Potter] – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - Summary Part 1 - Harry Potter dates Ginny Weasley, Quidditch Captain, Discredit of the Ministry of Magic & other events explained
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[Harry Potter] – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - Summary Part 1 - Harry Potter dates Ginny Weasley, Quidditch Captain, Discredit of the Ministry of Magic & other events explained


Kidnap of Garrick Ollivander

During the start of the movie, the death eaters break into the Ollivander’s wand shop and kidnap Garrick Ollivander. After word spread of Lord Voldemort’s return, Lord Voldemort kidnapped Garrick Ollivander without hesitation.



Lord Voldemort gave a wand to Peter Pettigrew and insisted on information of how the relationship between the twin cores of Harry Potter’s wands and Lord Voldemort’s wand. Later on, Lord Voldemort keeps Garrick Ollivander for more information.



Collapse of the Millennium Bridge/Brockdale Bridge

In the movie, the Brockdale Bridge is depcted as the Millennium Bridge that really exists. The Millennium Bridge is an actual bridge that crosses the Thames River in London of Great Britain also known as the London Millennium Foodbridge.

Another media in actual life the Guardian was portrayed to report of the collapse of the Millennium Bridge in Harry Potter. In the novel, the bridge is referred as the Brockdale Bridge



The death eaters and Lord Voldemort commenced such an attack on the muggle world to put even more pressure on to the resignation of Minster for Magic Cornelius Fudge. Lord Voldemort wanted to create fear to the wizarding world.

Thus the death eater’s attack on the Millennium Bridge also contributed to the resignation and overthrowing of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge.



The Minister of Magic would send news of the wizarding world that may impact the muggle world as well in a regular interval. Cornelius Fudge informs the Prime Minister of Great Britain his resignation and his successor Rufus Scrimgeour while he explained what really happened on the collapse of the Millennium Bridge/Brockdale Bridge.



Harry Potter becomes the captain of the Gryffindor House Quidditch Team

Albus Dumbledore appointed Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley as prefects for the Gryffindor House. He didn’t appoint Harry Potter a prefect because he thought Harry Potter was already under so much pressure during the time point of Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix.

However, Harry Potter becomes the captain for the Gryffindor House Quidditch team while he reached sixth grade.




Captain of the quidditch team granted privileges equivalent as a prefect so captains of the quidditch team could access the prefect bathroom and hold similar privileges and responsibilities although they couldn’t deduct house points.

However Harry Potter suffered a lot as he couldn’t organize the team very much while Ginny Weasley would take action and lead the team to follow Harry Potter.



Resignation of Minster for Magic Cornelius Fudge

Cornelius Fudge himself witnesses Lord Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic atrium. The public was furious as Cornelius Fudge and his office has been fully denying the return of Lord Voldemort.

The public presumed that the minister for magic was neglecting his duties to protect the British wizardry society. Cornelius Fudge attempted to stay in office and ignore the public.



Cornelius Fudge tried to persuade both Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter to give the public an opinion that favors him.

However, both Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter refused where Harry Potter became extremely hostile against the Ministry of Magic. Surprisingly even Lord Voldemort threatened Cornelius Fudge to resign.

Lord Voldemort orders his death eaters to attack the Brockdale Bridge(Millennium Bridge in the movie) to force the resignation of Cornelius Fudge.



Cornelius Fudge became an adjuvant and adviser of the wizardry world to the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the muggle world because the new Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour became so busy.

As the adjuvant and adviser, Cornelius Fudge informs his resignation and the new Minster for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour to the muggle Prime Minister. Cornelius Fudge even complained he never saw the wizardry world so unified when the public demanded his resignation.



Death of Amelia Susan Bones

The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Susan Bones who’ve also led the disciplinary hearing of Harry Potter during Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix to a fair trial was murdered by Lord Voldemort.



Presumably, Lord Voldemort was highly likely to have murdered Amelia Susan Bones himself in terms of both as Madam Bones was a highly skilled witch excellent in dueling and because Amelia Bones was a skilled witch for the joy of dueling.

Lord Voldemort was slowly taking out those who would stand against him. Along with Amelia Susan Bones, a lot of members of the Order of the Pheonix started to go missing or murdered.



Albus Dumbledore in the muggle world – With the Dursley’s and Budeligh Babberton for Slughorn

Albus Dumbledore visited the muggle world during the start of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for several reasons.

First, he visited Little Whinging Privet 4 drive the Dursley’s house to inform them of the death of Harry Potter’s godfather Sirius Black, more details on why Harry Potter was kept at the Dursleys and safety measures as the death eaters and Lord Voldemort was on the loose.

He also took Harry Potter to Budleigh Babberton a muggle village where Horace Slughorn was hiding from the death eaters.



Harry Potter and house-elf Kreacher

Harry Potter has inherited the properties of Sirius Black including 12 Grimmauld Place and mastership of the Black Family’s house-elf Kreacher. Kreacher denied Harry Potter’s ownership as he hated to become the house-elf for Harry Potter but later on Harry Potter’s ownership of Kreacher was proven.

Cormac McLaggen hit a bludger to Harry Potter’s head knocking him out during the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff House.



Harry Potter was in the hospital wing and remembers the moment when Dobby suddenly apparated mid-air. Harry Potter tests the ownership of Kreacher and successfully summons Kreacher. Eventually Harry Potter orders Kreacher to watch on Draco Malfoy while working for the Hogwarts School.



Harry Potter starts dating Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley became a member of the Slug Club after Horace Slughorn became impressed of Ginny Weasley casting a hex on Zacharias Smith.

Ginny Weasley started dating Dean Thomas from Gryffindor House. She was caught kissing Dean Thomas in public by Ron and Harry. Ron was outrageous at Ginny but Ginny argued that Ron doesn’t know anything because he never dated someone.



This started a feud between the two. While Ron also started dating Lavendar Brown, the feud between Ginny and Ron even grew as Ginny considered Ron a hypocrite.

Ginny started to spend more time with Harry as she successfully became a good chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. As Ron was poisoned by the oak-mautred mead that was originally a gift for Dumbledore by Slughorn, Ginny and Ron forgave each other.





However, Ginny couldn’t focus on dating Dean during Ron’s hospitalization and a Ginny and Dean’s relationship started to crumble.

Surprisingly, Harry Potter drinking Felix Felicis caused the breakup of Ginny and Dean Thomas. While Harry was under his Invisibility Cloak after drinking Felix Felicis, Harry slightly bumped into Ginny.



Ginny thought it was Dean trying to undermine her thinking she couldn’t pass the door to the Gryffindor common room, and this incident eventually caused Ginny and Dean’s breakup.

In other words, Felix Felicis helped Harry date Ginny. The emotions through a long time between Ginny and Harry eventually built up their relationship. Harry started to date Ginny after their kiss after winning the Quidditch Cup.


Ongoing conflict between Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore & Rufus Scrimgeour’s Ministry of Magic

The new Minster for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour was also keen Albus Dumbledore and there was distrust between them. Rufus Scrimgeour also tried to persuade Harry Potter to become a symbol for the Ministry of Magic and use Harry as propaganda.



Albus Dumbledore was against the Ministry of Magic’s attempt. Harry Potter directly informed Rufus Scrimgeour during their encounter that Rufus Scrimgeour’s office was just as worse as Cornelius Fudge’s office. Thus the distrust between the Ministry of Magic and Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter even became worse.


