'the hobbit' 태그의 글 목록
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the hobbit

[The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey] – Explained Part 4 – Orcrist, Glamdring, Sting Moon Runes and Elrond from Rivendell
[Lord of the Rings & Hobbit] - Prelude Part 14 – The Battle of the Five Armies Victory and the Death of Thorin Oakenshield
[Lord of the Rings & Hobbit] - Prelude Part 13 – Death of the dragon Smaug, Return of the king of Erebor Thorin Oakenshield, Battle of the Five Armies
[Lord of the Rings & Hobbit] - Prelude Part 12 – Thorin Okaenshield and Company’s quest for Erebor, Bilbo Baggins and Gollum with the One Ring
[Lord of the Rings & Hobbit] - Prelude Part 9 – Helm Hammerhand and Helm’s Deep, Saruman, Orthanc and the Palantir, War of the Dwarves and Dragons, Desolation of Smaug