'2025/03/18 글 목록
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[Lord of the Rings The Two Towers] – Part 2 – Saruman’s pillage of Rohan, Dunland and Rohan’s grudge, Brief history of Rohan and the Rohirrim & Rohan and Gondor’s Alliance
Facts of Snow Crabs – Why snow crab turned black, Organs to remove from snow crabs, Snow Crab Butter Snow Crab Intestines, Difference between red snow crab and snow crab
[Lord of the Rings The Two Towers] – Part 1 – Gollum, Sam and Frodo’s unusual alliance, Conflict of the Uruk Hai and the orcs, food of orcs
[Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring] – Part 15 – Aragonath, Death of Boromir, Uruk Hai’s attack at Emyn Muil and Kidnap of Merry and Pippin