Admittance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance
Admission Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was prestigious as admittance was only allowed to those who had confirmed potential to become a wizard or witch
. The Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance would decide the list of admittance list to Hogwarts. The Quill of Acceptance would detect even the slightest sings of magical talent and would automatically attempt to record the birthdate, name and information of a child with magical potential.

However, the Book of Admittance would serve as a quality check inspector and would allow the Quill of Acceptance only when a child’s magical potential was confirmed. While children born between muggles could have potential as a wizard or witch, children born between witches and wizard may not have magical abilities.
Such children born in the magical world but does not possess magic abilities were called Squibs.

The Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance’s main function was to never admit squibs into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry while admit every child with potential without mistake.
Deputy Headmistress professor Minerva McGonagall would check the Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance and send out the Hogwarts admission letters by owl.

Why were muggles and the wizarding world strictly separated
The wizarding world and the muggle world had to be separated due to the International Statue of Wizarding Secrecy.
For the Great Britian Ministry of Magic, the Muggle Artefacts Office and the Improper Use of Magic Office were dedicated solely to settle any incidents that happened in the muggle world for the sake of confidentiality of the wizarding world.

"Each wizarding governing body will be responsible for the concealment, care and control of all magical beasts, beings, and spirits dwelling within its territory's borders.
Should any such creature cause harm to, or draw the notice of, the Muggle community, that nation's wizarding governing body will be subject to discipline by the International Confederation of Wizards."
— Clause 73 of International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy

This history would climb up to the medieval times where sorcery, wizardry and witchcraft were accused as an evil cult or heresy that needed to be exterminated.
Foundation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry itself was to protect young wizard and witches from the rages of witch hunts and Inquisitions by muggles.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank – ‘Only’ Wizarding bank in Great Britain
The Gringotts Wizarding Bank was the only wizarding bank in Great Britain and located in Diagon Alley, London, Great Britain.
The bank was run by goblins that were also intelligent magical humanoids. Although it is unknown if Gringotts Wizarding Bank would issue loans and yield interests, Gringotts Wizarding Bank offered services similar to an ordinary muggle bank.

For muggle born students such as Hermione Granger, Gringotts Wizarding Bank would offer currency exchange services that exchanged muggle currency to the wizard world currency. It also offered security vault services as Gringotts Wizarding Bank was considered one of the most fortified ‘fortress’.
The underground structure was not only complicated, but it also had numerous security devices and magical creatures on guard to repel intruders.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank also hired various specialists of charms, spells, and decrypting dark magic for security measures. Also, the goblins themselves were casted spells to prevent them from act in crime as an insider.
The slogan of Gringotts bank was Fortius Quo Fidelius that meant Strength through loyalty.

Goblins – Master of smithcraft, finance and banking
Goblins were the master of smith craft. Finance and banking that made them the perfect operators of the Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
The goblins held the finest technique in metal casting and smithcraft and they gave birth to the first wizarding currency.

Some of the most famous artefacts were forged by goblins. Along with their keen sense and knowledge on metal craft, they were extremely clever in nature and held great talents in finance and banking.
Goblins became the fundamental of the economy of the wizarding world as they’ve contributed to the establishment of the wizarding economy and ran the Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

Although goblins were a skilled humanoid race, they were discriminated by wizards and witches. Rather than having their own government, the goblins were governed by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures division of the Ministry of Magic.
Although goblins had their own representative in the Goblin Liaison Office, goblins and wizard have shared a conflict since old times.

Currency of the Wizarding world – How much was knut, sickle, galleon worth?
The basic currency that formed the economy of the Wizarding world was Knut, Sickle, and Galleon. The Knut or the Bronze-Kut was forged in bronze and it was the coin with the most least value in the wizarding world.
A knut was equivalent as a 2 pennies in USD, 0.01 EURO, 0.15 Chinese Yuan, 2.36 Japanese Yen or 0.84 Indian Rupee.

29 knuts was equivalent to one sickle. a Sickle or a Silver-Sickle was forged in silver as its name suggested.
One sickle was equivalent as 59 cents, 0.43 Euro, 4.48 Chinese Yuan, 68.55 Japanes Yen or 24.39 Indian Rupee.

A Galleon or a Gold-Galleon was the highest valued coin in the wizarding world. A galleon was equivalent as 17 sickles or 493 knuts.
It was equivalent as 6.5 USD, 5.78 Euro, 41.6 Chinese Yuan, 743 Japanese Yen or 495 Indian Rupee in real life.

While the wizarding world currency mentioned above was limited to the wizarding world of England, the US wizarding world used the currency Dragot and Srpink while France used Bezant.

Vault 687 – Potter Family vault – Harry Potter’s Inheritance – Why was Harry Potter so rich
The Potter family originated in the 12th century after their ancestor Linfred. Linfred was nicknamed ‘Potterer’ after he would offer his neighbors with potions and cures with miraculous effects.

As Linfred ‘Potter’ experimented on many potions, in cauldrons and pots and he eventually started the Potter family and gave his family name after his nickname.
Linfred also invented the Pepper-Up potion that would help cure people from common cold and the Skele-Gro potion that instantly grew bones.

The Potter family held patent of these potions. Also, Harry Potter’s grandfather Fleamont Potter was another skilled potioneer who has invented the Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion which was very commercially successful. Due to the patents of such famous potions, Harry Potter could inherit a fortune.