[Dune] – The Holtzman Effect – the scientific basis of the unique technologies of the Dune Universe
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[Dune] – The Holtzman Effect – the scientific basis of the unique technologies of the Dune Universe


Spacecrafts, helicopters called the Ornithopters, anti-gravity technology and the shields of the Dune Universe were all built on the principles of the Holtzman Effect.

Thanks to the Holtzman Effect which is the fictional subatomic attraction-repulsion physics, the Dune Universe has a unique imaginary technology which is also one of the attractive parts of the Dune Universe.



Ibrahim Vauhgn Holtzman (7593 BG – 108BG) – Father of the Holtzman Effect

Ibrahim Vaughn Holtzman is the scientist that solved the principles of the Holtzman Effect which is the core physics principle that explains and establishes many different technologies in the Dune Universe.

The Holtzman Effect allowed intergalactic travel, intergalactic communication, the special vibration shields and other unique technologies in the Dune universe. Ibrahim Vaughn Holtzman transformed himself into a thinking machine but often he took long journeys in space, and he would report of his discoveries once he returned from his journeys.




Ibrahim Vauhgn Holtzman founded the theoretic basis of the Holtzman Effect which explains the subatomic attraction and repulsion physics that forms important technologies in the Dune Universe.

Despite his discoveries, Ibrahim Vaughn Hotlzman was also one of the main targets to eliminate during the anti-machine anti-artificial intelligence crusade the Butlerian Jihad and he eventually he was terminated.



End of Butlerian Jihad and the Great Convention – Significance of the Holtzman Effect

Humans completed the anti-machine, anti-computer, and anti-artificial intelligence crusade the Butlerian Jihad terminating all computer, thinking machine and artificial technology related technologies and even destroyed the previous history that utilized such technologies.

The Corrino Empire, Spacing Guild and the Council of Houses compromises to The Great Convention to seize nuclear power, anti-computer and anti-artificial intelligence.



However, it was impossible to proceed both the Butlerian Jihad and the Great Convention to replace such technologies without the Holtzman Effect and discovery of Melange Spice.

The Holtzman Effect is the attraction and repulsion physics between subatomic particles (Of course this is fiction) that explained the unique technology in the Dune Universe.

Technologies based on the Holtzman effect could commence space travel, allow anti-gravitation machinery, produce energies with great efficiency, and change the paradigm of war.

Along with such technology by the Holtzman Effect, Melange Spice could enhance human cognitive abilities to a super-human level which allowed navigators of the Spacing Guild process information without computers.



Holtzman Effect – Real-time intergalactic communication

The Holtzman effect held many properties as the Holtzman Effect itself was more of a law of physics that explained the Dune Universe subatomic particle interactions such as attraction and repulsion.

The Suspensor-Nullification Effect by the Holtzman Effect was a non-dimensional effect (This means that the effect itself exists but not observable in a physical form. This is fiction please) and a dimensional effect (This meant that the effect had physical form).



While in real life, even in space any kind of means of communication require a source of energy, form like an electric wave, physical written message or an electromagnetic pulse, and a media to transfer etc.

However, the non-dimensional effect of the Holtzman Effect enabled communication without such limits and real-time communication across the universe. In reality, it would take years to transfer and receive a message, the Dune Universe defines that Intergalactic communication at real-time was able by the Holtzman Effect.



Holtzman Effect – Space Travel / Suspensor-Nullification Effect

The Holtzman Effect also defined principles of how to fold space and time physically that enabled intergalactic travel at a significant time. Anti-gratvity technology was also established by the Holtzman Effect which enabled the space vessels to float in space.



The complicated attraction and repel of particles including the folding and bending of time and space was referred as the Suspensor-Nullification Effect.

Many of the technologies including those that enable space travel would have a suspensor that generate the ‘Holtzman Field’ to utilize the Holtzman Effect.



Navigation of space vessels by bending time and space was very complicated and required sophisticated data and information processing.

Since A.I., computers are prohibited in the Dune Universe by the Great Convention, only the navigators of the Spacing Guild that were exposed to high concentrations of Mélange Spice for long times of period were able to process complicated information for intergalactic travel.

Thanks to the Holtzman effect, it seems that the complicated designs of aero crafts were also simplified as aerodynamics would cause less complications for stable flight. (The sandworms were one of the inspirations in the Dune Universe for the aero craft designs)



Holtzman Effect – Weaponry and War

Seizure of atomic weapons, machines and computer along with the application of the Holtzman Effect affected the tactics of warfare of the Dune Universe.

Control of repulsion and attraction by the Holtzman field generators and suspensors produced a that caused the Holtzman Effect.



This field was called the Holtzman field, and this led to the development of shields that could repel weapons with projectiles such as artillery and guns.

The so called Holtzman Shields would disavow objects with high velocity while enable objects that are lower than the disavowed speed. Military forces of the Dune Universe had to develop hand-weapons as high velocity projectile weapons were blocked by the Holtzman shields.



Still, projectile weapons were still effective as Holtzman field generators did cost a substantial price so all warcrafts or individual infantry weren’t able to equip a Holtzman Field generator or Holtzman field suspensor.

Glowglobes are batteries that utilized the Holtzman field effect that could self-charge as well. Thanks to such glowglobes, the Dune Universe could produce mass energy without nuclear power.



Holtzman Effect – Anti-gravity Suspensors

The special attraction-repulsion by the Holtzman Effect also enabled anti-gravity suspensors to operate. Hovering technology in real life requires quite complicated aerodynamics and powerful engines but the anti-gravity suspensors by the Holtzman Effect allowed hovering without such engines or sophisticated aerodynamic technology.

Spacecrafts of the Dune Universe could hover without massive engines and less fuel cells which stands a great challenge in real-life space craft thanks to the anti-gravity suspensor technology.



Also, small-scale anti-gravity suspensors helped every-day life as well where an example would be Vladimir Harkonnen’s anti-gravity suspensor. The special helicopters called Ornithopters in the Dune Universe may have been affected by such anti-gravity suspensors by the Holtzman Effect as well.

The Ornithopters could levitate vertically and while glide horizontally at a high speed without a normal helicopter propeller.

