[Der Untergang] - Waffen SS and the Wermacht
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[Der Untergang] - Waffen SS and the Wermacht


[Der Untergang] - Waffen SS and the Wermacht

“War is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other mean” Carl Von Clausewitz, the author of ‘On War’ emphasized the important and inevitable connection between war and politics.


Carl Clausewitz


Adolf Hitler recognized the importance of the relationship between war and politics. Adolf Hitler knew the consequences of his actions and political doctrines imply and he knew that victory in the war was crucial.

Already, many parts of Germany’s economy had to rely on expansion and along with Adolf Hitler’s vicious racial and political doctrine(anti-communism etc), war was inevitable.

Adolf Hitler turned down the Versailles Treaty and ordered the rearmament of Germany that made many military officers support his cause.



He was always keen of controlling the military (rather he was too much involved) that he developed his own paramilitary force the ‘Waffen SS’ to serve him as he knew all miliary officers weren’t completely obedient to him. Along with Adolf Hitler’s miserable downfall, his loyal members from the German military and the Waffen SS resisted to the last moment.


One of the most extreme units in the Waffen SS Left: 3rd SS panzer division Totenkopf  Right ; 12th panzer grenadier division Hitler Jugend           Credits to : https://www.youtube.com/@historyatwar8043



Like other military divisions, the German military during World War Ⅱ consisted of the Navy (Kriegsmarine which translates as ‘war navy’), Air Force (Luftwaffe translates as air force, however it is often used as a proper noun which indicates the German air force especially during World War Ⅱ), and Army (In German, the Heer). When Adolf Hitler gained power in 1935, he decided to rearm Germany denouncing the Treaty of Versailles.



Adolf Hitler established the ‘Wehrmacht’ which intended to become the joint command harmonizing all three military branches under his command.

The Wehrmacht, which is also referred as the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) replaced the ministry of war and serve as a joint military command to mediate operations between all three forces, as an office for military adjuvants, mediate control of armament and war production, and the defense of Germany.

The term Wehrmacht became a common term for the military forces of Germany under the Nazi party regime between 1935~1945.


Structure of the Wermacht


However, unlike its purpose, the Wehrmacht failed to establish effective joint operations between the military branches due to the uncooperative behaviors of the commanders of each branch.

It became rather more of an administrative office and even an agreement between the Oberkommando des Heeres(The Army high command) takes over full control on the Eastern Front, while the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht takes over the campaigns in the western front.[1]


Emblem of the OKW / Staff picture of the OKW 

Initially, the SA was the main paramilitary force of the Nazi party. However, the SS became the main force of the Nazi party after they’ve successfully purged the SA during the ‘Night of Long Knives’ where Adolf Hitler eliminated his political rivals.

Along with Heinrich Himmler’s ambition to increase the capacity of the SS (Schutzstaffel, which translates as guards, this became the political/paramilitary organization of the Nazi party), Hitler decides to create a paramilitary force under the command of the SS to serve solely for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.


LSSAH(Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler) was initially the honor guard for the Nazi party(military is the grossdeutschland division) It later became the foundation for the 1st SS panzer division LSSAH.


His disbelief in the German Military was later proven during the 'Valykire' incident, where German officers tried to assisinate Hitler at the 'Wolf's Lair' which was the joint command for the Eastern Front. The SS diverged into two groups. The Algemeine SS(This means the normal SS) remained its operations while it delegated military forces to the Waffen SS.

The Waffen SS which literally translates as the armed/fighting Schutzstaffel became the military zealots for Nazi party and Adolf Hitler that would fight until the very last of Adolf Hitler.[2]



Although the German military shouldn’t be exempt for the crimes that the Third Reich of Germany committed, due to the nature of the Waffen SS, the Waffen SS were considered more aggressive than the German military.

The Waffen SS participated in major operations but they also specialized in the political objectives of the Nazi party including racial matters, anticommunism, and only operated under Adolf Hitler’s direct command or those who Hitler directly delegated authority.



Although the Waffen SS wasn’t officially a part of the Wehrmacht, and operated only by Hitler’s direct orders, these fanatics served like the 4th military branch and operated along with the Wehrmacht to fight for Adolf Hitler.




The operations, actions and in some terms, the behaviors of Waffen SS and the Wermacht differed but uniforms and rank systems were also distinct.
The Waffen SS also had a somewhat unique order system where it was less authoritative than normal military. Below is the most distinctive differences between the Waffen SS (The ranking system of the Waffen SS is shared with the algemeine, general SS as well) and Wermacht.


Left : German military uniform     Right : SS uniform


1.     The cap of the Waffen SS had a Totenkopf (also referred as the death skull) while the Wehrmacht had the German military emblem. Ordinary SS members also wore the cap with the death skull on.

The ‘Totenkopf’ was the notorious symbol of the SS especially for those that served in concentration camps and the most radical zealots of Adolf Hitler. There was a Waffen SS division named the Totenkopf as well.


Left : German military    Righ : Waffen SS(This appleid to general SS as well)


2.     The rank system on the collar were different. The Waffen SS and the SS had the SS mark and rank marked in a rectangle or oakleaves if higher ranked. The distinctive storm mark (SS mark) on the collar also was distinctive from the German military.


Left : German military    Right : Waffen SS 


Left : German military ranking system    right : Waffen SS(SS as well) ranking system


3.     The Eagle and Swastika emblem is on a different part on the uniform/ The emblem is on the left sleeve for Waffen SS. While the German military had the German military emblem on their chest.


Left : German military    Right : SS uniform


4.     Waffen SS members had their blood types tattooed under their armpits. By rumor, due to the vicious and aggressive fighting attitudes of the Waffen SS, they needed to tattoo the blood type underneath the armpit or medicals couldn’t recognize the blood type because Waffen SS trooper’s wounds tended to be much extreme and severe and many cases identifiable items were missing when sent to the medical assistance.

During the Nuremberg Trials, this method was also used this to distinguish those who've served in the Waffen SS and the German military.



Example of a difficult case to distinguish the Waffen SS and the Wehrmacht (ordinary German military personnel) would be ‘Steamboat Willie’ from the film ‘Saving Private Ryan’. ‘Steamboat Willie is German soldier of the German army (Heer). However, he is often confused with other personnel that killed Stanley Mellish.

The personnel who killed Stanley Mellish and let private Upham alive is a Waffen SS personnel that of the 2nd SS panzer division ‘Das Reich’ (Scripts in Saving Private Ryan indicate multiple times the 2nd SS.)


Left : Steamboat Willie, he is part of German military    Right : Waffen SS trooper. He is just bald which makes everyone confuse him with Steamboat Wille


The Waffen SS were considered as ‘criminal organizations’ rather than a military figure after the war by International Military Tribunal during the Nuremberg Trials. Members weren’t granted the privileges that military veterans may had. In general, Waffen SS members were more involved in crimes against humanity and war crimes.[3]


The Waffen SS in the movie 'Fury', the protagonists were much sensitive in matters where SS were involved.


The Waffen SS suffered higher consequences due to their organization nature after the war. However, this doesn’t mean that the Wehrmacht was totally naive from the war crimes and crimes against humanity during World War 2.[4] Understanding the difference of the Waffen SS and the German military helps understand what kind of stance each character is in.




Even in Star wars, the Storm trooper Corps were inspired by the Waffen SS, which served as an autonomous military branch from the Imperial army. The Stormtrooper corps would only answer to the direct orders of the Emperor or Darth Vader.[5]



Comprehension of the difference between the Waffen SS and the Germany military helps viewers understand the significance of why Adolf Hitler was more furious towards some officials.

For example, Felix Steiner, who didn’t directly appear on the film was a high Waffen SS official who was supposed to obey Adolf Hitler’s orders.

However, his refusal to attack may have disappointed Adolf Hitler than anyone else. Herman Fegelein was the husband of Eva Braun but he was also a high-ranking SS official who even led the 8th Waffen SS cavalry division Florian Geyer.

Also, Hitler appoints Wilhelm Mohnke the head of the Fuhrer’s bunker instead of an ordinary military figure.


Left : Felix Steiner   Right : Herman Fegelein


wilhelm mohnke



[1] “Wehrmacht.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/topic/Wehrmacht#ref1266118.

[2] United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/waffen-ss?series=27.

[3] “The SS (Schutzstaffel): The Waffen-SS.” Waffen-SS, https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/waffen-ss.

[4] United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-role-of-the-military.

[5] The Real History That Inspired 'Star Wars' - History. https://www.history.com/news/the-real-history-that-inspired-star-wars.
