'Media - Movies & Books & Music etc/Movie' 카테고리의 글 목록 (2 Page)
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Media - Movies & Books & Music etc/Movie

[Saving Private Ryan] - German sniper distance calculation, Glider incident of General Amend and the real story, Emerson
[Saving Private Ryan] - German Equipment and Defenses, mines, Hitlerjugend, 88mm Flak gun, MG42, Atlantic Wall, pillboxes etc
[Saving Private Ryan] - Why troopers threw up, NCDU, Allied forces equipment - M1 Garand, M1A1 Thompson, M2 Flamethrower, M1 Carbine Bangalore Torpedo
[Saving Private Ryan] - The real story and Inspiration - Niland Brothers and Frederick Niland , Tragedy of the Sullivan Brothers and the Sole Survivor Policy, Death of the Ryan brothers
[라이언 일병 구하기] - 조지 마셜, 빅스비 편지, 노르망디 상륙작전, 작전명 오버로드의 배경
[Saving Private Ryan] - The American Army units on Saving Private Ryan and objectives of Normandy Landing Explained - Why did Ryan secure the bridge
[Saving Private Ryan] - George Marshall, Bixby Letter, Background of Operation Overlord, the Normandy Landings
[Dune] - Timeline & Background of the Dune Cinematic series in short
[Der Untergang, 몰락] – 나치 독일의 금연 운동과 건강증진 운동
[Der Untergang, Downfall] – Anti-smoking & health campaigns of Nazi Germany
[몰락, Der Untergang] - 무장친위대 인물 정리
[Der Untergang, Downfall] - Waffen SS figures
[몰락, Der Untergang] - 국방군 인물 정리
[Der Untergang, Downfall] - Military figures
[몰락, Der Untergang] - 무장친위대와 국방군의 차이점