[The Silmarillion] – Summary Part 17 – Conflict with the Nauglamir, Battle in the Thousand Caves, Second Kinslyaing of the elves and the Ruin of Doriath, Why dwarves and elves hate each other
2024. 10. 3.
Temptation of the Silmaril, Thingol’s request to engraft the Silmaril on the NauglamirAfter Hurin gave the Nauglamir which was a present from the dwarves to Finrod, the king of Nargothrond to Thingol, Thingol was caught up with a desire and urge by the beauty of the Silmaril to engraft the Silmaril onto the Nauglamir. Thingol caught up with this desire day and night and requested the dwarves fr..