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[The Silmarillion] – Summary Part 25 – Eregion, Return of Sauron in Mordor, Barad-dur, Dunland, Ruhn, Harad and Umbar


Voyages of Numenor

As the Valars forbid the Numenorians to sail west to Valinor, the Numenorians would sail to the east and travel the Middle Earth by the seas. Numenor and the elves of Lindon welcomed each other and the Numenorians and the elves formed a powerful alliance.

Meanwhile, Numenorians would travel all over Middle Earth where they would build port cities and even colonize places on Middle-Earth.



The Numenorians that were blessed with a long life and that were direct descendants of the Edain humans that fought against Morgoth would also encounter humans of Middle Earth.

The direct blood line of the Edains, the Numenorians were much taller, stronger and powerful than ordinary humans of Middle Earth as their Edain ancestors would even be powerful enough to rival balrogs or even slay dragons.

Numenorians would guide and advise normal humans on evil and how to resist them while they’ve also provided their knowledge.



Eregion and Celebrimbor

Celebrimbor was the son of Curufin, thus Celebrimbor was the grandson of the Noldor elf king Feanor the creator of the Palantir and the three Silamrils.

After the dwarves have found numerous mines of mithril in the underground of Khazad-dum, Celebrimbor decides to relocate from Lindon close to the mines of Khazad-dum for mithril. Celebrimbor would found the Realm of Eregion with Ost-in-Edhil as its capital with the Noldor elves that would follow him.



The Noldor elves of Eregion and the dwarves of Khazad-dum formed a powerful alliance due to their trades of mithril in return of forged goods. (The dwarves didn’t have much distrust against the Noldor elves while they dwarves and Sindar, Nandor, green elves would have a mutual disrespect and hatred towards each other)

As the grandson of Feanor, Celebrimbor always had the desire to forge a masterpiece that would leave his name in the history of the Legendarium.



Gwaith-i-Mirdain, the Noldor craftsman of Celebrimbor, the forgers of the Rings of Power

Celebrimbor created the Gwaith-i-Mirdain that means the craftsman of the jewel smiths that was a guild of skilled Noldor elf craftsman. The smiths of Gwaith-i-Mirdain would create the West-Gate or the Doors of Durin that was the main gates of Khazad-Dum with the mithril.



The Gwaith-i-Mirdain was responsible for forging the rings of power, the nine rings for humans, seven rings for dwarves as the Gwaith-i-Mirdain and Celebrimbor were deceived by Sauron. Later on, after Sauron left, Celebrimbor would forge the three Elf rings Nenya, Narya and Vilya with the help of the Gwiath-i-Mirdain.



Sauron’s settlement on Mordor and construction of Barad-dur

After 500 years since the Second Age began, Sauron has been quietly regaining power and reclaiming loyalty from the orcs, trolls, wolves, wargs, bats and many of the dark creatures that managed to survive the War of the Wrath.

After Morgoth was captured by the Maia Eonwe and Sauron escaped from Eonwe, Sauron has been secretly corrupting the humans of the east as well to form an army to reclaim dictatorship over Middle-Earth.



Sauron was aware that still the elves reside on Middle-Earth and Sauron noticed that the Numenorians, the descendants of the powerful Edain humans have largely expanded influencing the whole Middle Earth.

When it became 1000 years since the Second Age began, Sauron settled and based in Mordor, Sauron starts the construction of the Dark Tower called Barad-dur, the fortress of Mordor for defense and as a base.



Barad-dur, Tower of the Eye of Sauron

Barad-dur was not only the tower that watched over Mordor, but it was also a base and one of Sauron’s entrances into Mount Doom when he forges the One Ring. Later on, after Sauron lost his physical body, Barad-dur would become the tower that held the Eye of Sauron that would watch over Middle Earth with malice.



The Eye of Sauron would not only torture those who were caught in sight and watch over the Middle-Earth but it was also one of the methods that Sauron used to take control of the orcs and keep a watch on them.




Some of the first humans that left Rhun and migrated south formed the initial population of Harad. The Numenorians have discovered the lands of Harad and would provide the people of Harad at first. Later on, the Numenorians would colonize Harad where the people were oppressed by the Numenorians.



The people of Harad would later become known as the Haradrim and the oppression of the Numenorians would cause conflict and make the Haradrim serve Sauron.

The mumakil, the giant elephants and the Haradrim would serve Sauron during numerous wars. 




Umbar was a part of Harad where it was located at the south of the mouth of the Anduin River. Umbar was first established as a port city by the Numenorians as a port to enter Harad.

Umbar was once one of the famous and prosperous port cities as it was colonized by the Numenorians, however later on, Umbar would become corrupted and became the city of pirates and corsairs.



Ruhn and the Easterlings

Ruhn was based on the ancient land where the first humans awakened during the start of the Years of the Sun during the First Age. The Edain and the Druedain were humans that migrated west in search of the Sun while the people that remained were corrupted by Morgoth and Sauron.

These people that have remained in the east became the Easterlings and they would from the lands of the Rhun.



There were wizards of unknown origin or name that attempted to cleanse the Easterlings of Rhun from serving Sauron, however these wizards have failed to convince all of the Easterlings of Rhun.

The Easterlings have long been servants for Morgoth and Sauron since the First Year.




As the Numenorians would sail the seas of Middle Earth and explored the lands, Numenorians started logging the thick forests of Minhiriath and Enedwaith to build more ships and cities.



The native humans of Minhiriath and Enedwaith couldn’t resist the Numenorians that logged all the forests for timber and they were pushed east to Dunland that was located on the west of the end of the Misty Mountains. These people would become the first of the Dulendings of Dunland.


