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[The Silmarillion] – Summary Part 26 – Lothlorien, Greenwood, Mirkwood, Sauron’s deception as Annatar the Lord of Gifts


Greenwoods the Great / Mirkwood

The Greenwoods the Great was in the north of Rhovanion and the east side of the Misty Mountains. The Greenwoods was near the Lonely Mountains that would later become the dwarf kingdom Erebor and it stretched from the basin of the Anduin River.

The Nandor elves that gave up on the journey to Valinor in front of the Mistry Mountains have inhabited the Greenwoods. These elves were called the wood-elves or the Silan Elves that descend from the Nandor elves which have diversified from the Teleri elves.




After the sinking of Beleriand, a novel Sindar elf named Oropher from Doriath decided to remain on Middle Earth and held the Realm of the Woodland and became the king of the Greenwoods the Great.

By the emergence of Sauron, the southern parts of the Greenwoods the Great was defiled and the Greenwoods the Great would later be called the Mirkwood. Legolas was the grandson of Oropher the king of the Woodland Relam while Thranduil was the son of Oropher.




Lothlorien was the land east of the end of the Misty Mountains, east of Khazad-dum(Moria) and just north of the lands that shall become Rohan. Amdir the Sindarin elf lord along with his son Amroth was also one of the elves that refused to journey to Valinor after the War of the Wrath.



Amroth and Amdir travelled east of the Misty Mountains and settled in the land that was called Lorinand. Amdir was soon appointed king of the tree elves (Silvanian elves) and Lorinand would later become the lands of Lothlorien.



Galadriel, Celeborn and Celebrian

Celeborn was the grandson of Elmo who was one of the leaders of the Teleri elves along with Elwe. Elwe would later readdress his name more as Thingol, the king of Doriath. Thus, Celeborn was the grand-nephew of the king of Doriath. Celeborn has lived in Doriath since the First Age where he first met Galadriel.

Gladriel was the youngest daughter of Finarfin the high king of the Noldor elves in Valinor. Finarfin didn’t cross the Helcaraxe while his son Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor and his daughter Galadriel crossed the Helcaraxe during the migration of the Noldor elves to Middle Earth.



Galadriel was the daughter of Finarfin who didn’t participate in the 1st Kinslaying of the elves so she was able to remain in Doriath where she would receive mentorship from the Maia Melian. Celeborn and Galadriel met in Doriath and fell in love where they gave birth to their daughter Celebrian at Lindon during the Second Age.

Celebrian would later marry the elf lord Elrond and give birth to Elrond’s daughter Arwen. Celeborn, Galadriel and Celebrian would later depart from Lindon wandering the Middle-Earth.



Celeborn would reside in Eriador as he had friendship with the dwarves at Khazad-dum, while Galadriel and Celebrian would journey to the east of the Misty Mountains and travel Rhovanion including Lothlorien where later on Celeborn and Galadriel shall rule and Dol Amroth which was a port city of Belfalas.

Dol Amorth would become the major port city for Gondor and the home city for Imrahil the prince of Dol Amroth and the Swan-Knights.



Sauron’s deception as Annatar

Sauron started to assemble his forces such as the orcs, the trolls, the wolves and the Easterlings as well. However, still Sauron thought his forces were too weak as the humans weren’t the Edain humans, the dwarves were made by Aule so they wouldn’t be corrupted even by Morgoth.

Sauron still wanted more elite forces under his command so he decided to corrupt the elves. Sauron disguised himself a Maia named Annatar which means Lord of Gifts and approached the elves at Lindon.



However, Gil-Galad sensed evil arising in the east and Gil-Galad even sent warnings to the Numenorians. Elrond, Celeborn and Galadriel also sensed the shadows within and they didn’t even allow entrance to Sauron disguised as Annatar.

However, Annatar was able to deceive the elves of Eregion as Sauron tempted Celebrimbor and the smiths of Gwaith-i-Mirdain that he could provide the skills and craftsmanship of the high elves in Valinor.



Celbrimbor and Eregion

Celebrimbor has been receiving supplies of Mithril, another magical ore with great strength and light weight. Celebrimbor departed from Lindon solely for better supplies of Mitrhil while strengthening his alliance with the dwarves. The craftsman and smith of Gwiath-i-Mirdain along with Celebrimbor would forge crafts with master skills



Celebrimbor’s Desires

Celebrimbor was the only living descendant of Feanor while his uncle Maglor would roam Middle-Earth without purpose after throwing the Silmaril into the Belegaer Sea.

Celebrimbor was the son of Curufin and he was born in Aman in the Years of the Trees and followed the Noldor elves during their exile to Middle Earth to retrieve the Silmarils and take down Morgoth by the Oath of Feanor.



Celebirmbor disavowed his father Curufin after Curufin’s crimes in Nargothrond and Doriath against Finrod and Luthien, however Celebrimbor was always proud of his lineage from his grandfather Feanor. Celebrimbor had the desire to forge a masterpiece far greater than the three Silmarils forged by his grandfather Feanor.



The Three Silmarils forged by Feanor were so beautiful enough to even tempt the Valars, yet Celebrimbor always desired to make a masterpiece that would overwhelm Feanor’s crafts. Sauron disguised as Annatar saw through the desires of Celebrimbor and tempted Celebrimbor and the smiths of the Gwiath-i-Mirdain to take mentorship from him



Apprenticeship of Celebrimbor and Gwiath-i-Mirdain of Eregion under Sauron

Sauron used to be named Marion and was an apprentice of the Valar Aule, the master craftsman that even created the dwarves. Sauron under the alias as Annatar, the Lord of Gifts while he deceived the elves of Eregion that he was sent by the Valars to teach Celebrimbor and the smiths of Gwaith-i-Mirdain of technology and magic.



The more Sauron taught the elves, the elves grew greater and greater in desire of knowledge they became obsessed with the pure beauty of forging a masterpiece by the sheer desire of Celebrimbor to overcome his grandfather Feanor.

Eventually, Sauron would manipulate Celebrimbor and the craftsman elves of the Gwiath-i-Mirdain into forging the Rings of Power.


